LGBTQIA+ awareness training
Speech and language therapy for adults
Private Alice Bell marching into history
Annual Independent NMP Prescribing Review Presentation 2022
Clinical Handover Guidelines (G238)
The purpose of a clinical handover is to ensure continuity of information vital to the safety of our patients. The need for effective handover processes has been repeatedly highlighted by NHS improvement. The effective transfer of information ensures the protection of patients and minimises clinical risk. Continuity of information underpins all aspects of a seamless service providing continuity of patient care and patient’s safety These guidelines aim to: • Explain the purpose of clinical handover • Provide a uniform approach to clinical handover • Set out the standards for clinical handover which must be delivered by individual clinicians and clinical teams in DCHS
Domestic Abuse - Childrens 0-19 Services Policy (P14)
This policy gives clear guidance on the standard expected of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (Health Visitors and School Nurses) and other members of the 0-19 team when undertaking routine enquiry, managing disclosures of domestic abuse, responding to domestic abuse notifications, and supporting families experiencing the impact of domestic abuse. This document supports a commitment to evidence based practice across 0-19 children’s services.
Mental Health Act 1983 - Section 5(2) Doctors 72 Hour Holding Power Policy and Procedure (P105)
This policy provides guidance on the use of Section 5(2), doctors holding power and should be followed by the relevant doctors and approved clinicians working in Trust in-patient areas.
Taking Off PPE
Taking Off Personal Protective Equipment
ICS Plan.pdf
DCHS ICS plan on a page 2021/2022
L35 - Staying Safe
Patient information booklet / leaflet - Staying Safe...How you can help reduce your chances of developing four common avoidable conditions: Falls, Pressure Ulcers, Urinary and Urinary Catheter infections and blood clots.
1029V - Insulin variable dose MAR chart community
1029v Insulin Medication dose record - MAR chart
L174 - A Guide to Safer Sex - Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)
L174 - A Guide to Safer Sex - Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). Patient information leaflet.
Consent Policy (P42)
Consent is a fundamental part of the relationship between NHS staff who deliver care and treatment and the adults, young people and children who access services in the NHS for their care and treatment. “Consent to treatment means a person must give permission before they receive any type of medical treatment, test or examination. Consent from a patient is needed regardless of the procedure, [and the] principle of consent is an important part of medical ethics and international human rights law” (NHS: 2019). “A healthcare professional (or other healthcare staff) who does not respect this principle may be liable both to legal action by the patient and to action by their professional body. Employing bodies may also be liable for the actions of their staff” (DH 2009:5). The aim of this policy is to set out the principles, practice and responsibilities of Trust staff when seeking consent for assessment, examination, intervention (surgical and non-surgical), investigation, treatment and investigative images and recordings.