Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vulputate arcu ut turpis commodo pulvinar. Donec a dolor turpis. Aenean in lobortis risus. Vivamus sagittis pulvinar nunc vitae fringilla. Nulla aliquam et augue a posuere. Praesent in cursus felis. In ac odio pharetra massa aliquam varius pharetra sed nulla. Mauris volutpat hendrerit velit eu dignissim. Donec at velit non mauris auctor placerat sit amet ac metus. Aliquam auctor urna in posuere faucibus. Fusce non aliquet est. Fusce nibh felis, sagittis a risus ut, placerat tristique magna.
DCHS proud to be Veteran Aware accredited
2023 Multi-Faith Tours in Derby
Rainbow lanyard awareness posters
Escalation Report Template - July 2022.docx
Name - test
Chaperone Policy (P87)
The purpose of the Chaperone Policy is to set out the principles, practice and responsibilities of Trust staff for using a chaperone. The policy is aimed at DCHS Services and staff who provide care and treatment that requires the patient to have a procedure. The relationship between the person and the health professional should be one of mutual trust, confidence and respect. Over the years there have been incidents where the relationship has been breached, resulting in harm to the person and criminal prosecution of the health professional (HM Government, 2007). Inadequate communication and misunderstandings about the behaviour demonstrated during a procedure by a health professional towards the person, has also resulted in health professionals facing allegations of professional misconduct. Safe and effective communication is crucial, before during and after a procedure. The use of a chaperone can help to protect both the person and the health professional.
Letter - housebound patients.pdf
Urgent Community Response Clinical Lead Role Statement v2
Urgent Community Response Clinical Lead Role Statement - includes how to apply and ask questions
Disclosure Ref 202251 - Sleeping Pills given, age of patient and cost of pills.pdf
FOI disclosure
GD20 Employment References.docx
Peter McCarthy suite wording removed as ER team no longer based there. Dignity at Work wording changed to Bullying and Harrassment as per new policy, any mention of fait treatment at work wording changed to Grievance. Vivup replaced with Cic counselling support.
A5 - Receiving a Blood transfusion Patient Leaflet (P25)
Receiving a Blood transfusion Patient Leaflet
Information governance newsletter - August 2022.docx
IG Newsletter August 2022