Move to Defender AntiVirus
Plans approved for the development of Belper health services
Safe to Wait SOP for Band 3 HCAs (S76)
The rationale for introducing a “Safe to Wait” process is, for when patients present to UTC Services, the first point of contact will usually be the Reception/HCA staff. The Safe to Wait Guidance will be undertaken by Health Care Assistant (Band 3) staff following specific training and a period of demonstrating competence for the assessment of patients attending the UTCs with specific conditions/injuries. This will ensure that Band 3 HCA’s are aware of “Red Flag Signs”, and symptoms that indicate that someone presenting at the unit may require immediate or urgent attention.
Advance Decisions Policy
It is a general principle of law and medical practice that adults have a right to consent to or refuse treatment. The courts have recognised that adults have the right to say in advance that they want to refuse treatment if they lose capacity in the future, even if this results in their death. A valid and applicable advance decision to refuse treatment has the same force as a contemporaneous decision. This has been a fundamental principle of the common law for many years and is now set out in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, which came into force in 2007 supported by the Code of Practice to the Act. Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust aims to achieve a more balanced partnership between patients and healthcare professionals and acknowledges that it is the right of every adult patient with capacity to determine whether or not to accept medical treatment. In addition, it is the right of every adult patient to express views about their future care and treatment. The primary responsibility lies with the patient (the maker) to write an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT). The Trust endorses the good practice of staff, set out in national guidance and professional standards to provide information to and general support for patients who wish to write an ADRT. The Trust always encourages patients who wish to discuss their plans for future care and will provide advice to patients and support to advance care planning by helping to coordinate care and communicate plans. In addition, it is supportive of those patients who present with an advance decision and where this is valid and applicable, comply with that specific decision. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Trust’s Consent Policy and aims to raise awareness and give guidance to staff about advance decisions.
DCHS Update IV care and maintenance
IV care and maintenance
HRP20 Supporting and Maintaining Attendance Employee Guide.docx
2021 sub Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust - Employer Feedback Report.pdf
Employer Feedback report 2022
Flat Feet in
APPENDIX 5 HRP23 Formal Notification of Return Date from Adoption Leave .docx
Appendix 3 Application for Maternity Leave.docx
Organisational strategy - Bitesize slides - Healthy Communities.pptx
Organisational strategy - Bitesize slides - Healthy Communities.pptx