Windrush day - 22 June
Mission, vision and values
The healing power of art – an exhibition to get people talking about mental health
Tissue Viability
Employee Record Summary Template - Feb 2024
An employee record summary template
A6 – Competency framework for podiatry assistants – wound care (S107)
Competency framework for podiatry assistants – wound care
Patient (or carer) Initiated Follow-up SOP Dementia Palliative Care Service (S132)
Patient initiated follow-up (PIFU) describes when a patient (or their carer) can initiate their follow-up visit as and when required, e.g., when symptoms or circumstances change. This SOP defines the process, roles, and responsibilities for the following: • Identifying which patients PIFU is right for • Moving a patient onto a PIFU pathway • Booking visits which have been initiated by a patient or carer • Managing patients who do not initiate a review/home visit within the PIFU timescale • Discharging or booking reviews at the end of that patient’s PIFU timescale • Monitoring compliance Dementia Palliative Care Service are in the process of piloting a PIFU process for 12 months. The pilot will be reviewed every 3 months with a final review post 12 months.
SAMA Template 09 Checklist for WellBeing
Template 09 Checklist for Conducting an Employee Wellbeing Meeting
SAMA Template 25 Final review meeting part 1 invite
Template 25 Final Review Meeting Part 1 Invite letter
SOP for IV Administration of Diuretics to Heart Failure Patients in DCHS North Community Hospitals and CRH Same Day ECU (S89)
The Aim of this SOP is to provide heart failure patients across Derbyshire access to IV drug treatments without the need for attendance at an acute hospital
Tissue Viability Strategy 2021-2024
DCHS Tissue Viability Strategy 2021-2024
Administration of Medicines in an Emergency Situation for Adults SOP (S30)
S30 - Administration of Medicines in an Emergency Situation for Adults SOP
SAMA Template 10 Tips in holding sensitive conversation
Template 10 Tips for Holding a Sensitive Conversation
SAMA Template 25 Final review meeting part 2 invite
Template 25a Final Review Meeting Part 2 invite