General Discussion
Aliquam vitae sollicitudin purus. Aliquam ullamcorper scelerisque velit in porttitor. Nullam pulvinar maximus nunc, nec finibus massa molestie at. Nulla ut enim vel enim molestie hendrerit at in dui. Sed tincidunt sapien dui, sed elementum felis convallis at. Ut vitae consectetur sapien. Cras faucibus sem nec risus sagittis, in dignissim nisi laoreet.
DCHS physiotherapist shares her experience of volunteering in a disaster zone
Professional Nurse Advocate Form
Professional Nurse Advocate Form
Guidance Checklist to Support Clinicians in determining Fast Track Eligibility (G258)
This guidance has been developed to assist Clinicians to determine whether it is appropriate to complete the Fast Track - Continuing Healthcare Application. The intention of the Fast Track Pathway is that it should identify individuals who need to access NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) quickly, with minimum delay, and with no requirement to complete a CHC Decision Support Tool (DST). Therefore, the completed Fast Track Pathway Tool, with clear reasons why the individual fulfils the criteria, and which clearly evidences that an individual is both rapidly deteriorating and approaching the end of life.
Disclosure Ref 2022127 - BI & Data Warehousing, E-rostering, Order Communications, Pathology, Pharmacy, & Scheduling.pdf
Response to FOI
Safeguarding Form 1,P35,DoLs
Nutrition and Hydration - Food Poverty
Nutrition and Hydration - Food Poverty
APPENDIX 23 - Panel Evaluation Form.docx
SOP for the Post COVID 19 Syndrome Clinic (S85)
This document sets out the standards which, in the view of the patient and professional organisations involved, are required of services in order to deliver a review, triage and onward referral service for people with Post Covid 19 Syndrome symptoms.
Safe to Wait SOP for Band 3 HCAs (S76)
The rationale for introducing a “Safe to Wait” process is, for when patients present to UTC Services, the first point of contact will usually be the Reception/HCA staff. The Safe to Wait Guidance will be undertaken by Health Care Assistant (Band 3) staff following specific training and a period of demonstrating competence for the assessment of patients attending the UTCs with specific conditions/injuries. This will ensure that Band 3 HCA’s are aware of “Red Flag Signs”, and symptoms that indicate that someone presenting at the unit may require immediate or urgent attention.
Water Safety Plan Design Control 2.1.pdf
Water Safety Plan Design Control 2.1, Estates Design Team, Legionella, Water Systems.