Information and Data Quality Policy.docx
HRP05 Close Personal Relationships at Work Policy.docx
Oral health promotion - Library resource catalogue 4th edition
TPP487-1204 - Verification of Adult Death Form
Verification of Adult Death Form
0106 - Samples Fridge Temperature Monitoring Form (P69)
0106 - Samples Fridge Temperature Monitoring Form (P69)
Achilles Tendinopathy Care Pathway (G79)
G79 - Achilles Tendinopathy Care Pathway
TPP227-0007 - National Early Warning Score Chart
TPP227-0007 - National Early Warning Score Chart
Enhanced Observation Policy (P61)
The purpose of this policy is to describe how supportive observations and engagement maximise people’s safety, minimise risk and initiate and build supportive therapeutic relationships. During times of increased distress or risk, a person may require a temporary period of an enhanced level of supportive engagement to maintain safety for him/her or others while the level of distress or risk is reduced. This will be achieved by establishing a good rapport with the person, promoting their coping skills and being aware of their individual needs/reasonable adjustments. This policy sets out evidence-based practice for individual clinicians, teams and services regarding the engagement and observations of patients being cared for in DCHS inpatient Older People Mental Health and Learning Disability Services only. Observation is seen as an integral part of person-centred treatment planning and contributes to the management and reduction of risk. All forms of observation however will have implications for the patients’ privacy and dignity. The level of observation for each person should be justified as reasonable and proportionate to the degree of risk they pose to either themselves or others and to enable their care needs to be safely met. The aim of The Policy is to provides clear evidence-based guidance for the observation of patients within Older People’s Mental Health and the Learning Disability Service. All persons cared for in Older People’s Mental Health and Learning disability clinical areas are observed by the staff.
Identification Policy for Patients (P70)
Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS) aims to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of patients by having robust systems in place to confirm a patient’s identify. This policy provides guidance for staff to reduce the risk of misidentification of patients using the guidance issued in the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) Safer Practice Notice (2007) “Standardising wristbands improves patient safety”. This policy aims to: • Reduce the potential of harm to patients caused by misidentification; • Ensure compliance with National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) advice.
SCALE (Skin Changes at Life’s End) Leaflet (L205)
SCALE (Skin Changes at Life’s End) Leaflet