We need your help to continue shaping our work on workforce race & disability equality and inclusion
Information about your appointment
Everything you need to know before you attend a physiotherapy appointment at Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS FT
Podiatry - Community Podiatry Service
The community podiatry service provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment to a range of patients with lower limb and foot problems, including; - People with long term conditions such as diabetes, vascular disease, amputees, connective tissue disorders, stroke, Parkinson's disease - People with multiple and complex needs e.g. dementia, falls - People with biomechanical problems e.g. gait /postural problems - People requiring wound care to the foot - People requiring nail surgery - People with severe foot and ankle problems and conditions.
World Arthritis Day - 12 October 22
The theme this year is - 'It's in your hands, take action'. It aims to encourage people with arthritis, their caregivers, families, and the general public to avail every opportunity to take action to improve their lifestyle.
Contractor appointed to build new £15m health services hub for Belper
Health Psychology - Information and Tools to Help You
A page of health psychology information and resources for the people of Derbyshire.
Pension Automatic Re-Enrolment July 2022
SAMA Template 15 Review outcome extension
Template 15 Review outcome extension letter
2021 sub Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust - Employer Feedback Report.pdf
Employer Feedback report 2022
Appendix 2 – Wound Clinic Service Referral Criteria (S101)
Appendix 2 – Wound Clinic Service Referral Criteria (S101)
Taking service-level action on health inequalities
FTSU ambassador poster 2024
FTSU ambassador poster
Covid vaccination webinar 26 January for healthcare workers - answering your questions on pregnancy and fertility (003)
Covid vaccination webinar 26 January for healthcare workers - answering your questions on pregnancy and fertility
DCHS Scheme Of Delegation
Scheme Of Delegation - January 2024