7th July 2022

Due to an ongoing surge in Covid-19 cases across the region and much of the country, we have reviewed our position across Joined Up Care Derbyshire in terms of our infection prevention and control (IP&C) precautions. The following changes, effective immediately, are designed to protect our staff and our patients. 


  • All clinical and non-clinical colleagues must re-commence universal mask wearing (fluid-resistant surgical masks) on all DCHS sites 
  • If you are working in a room alone you may remove your mask, but you must put your mask back on if somebody enters the room or if you leave the room to move around the site
  • If you sharing a room with anyone you must wear a mask at all times
  • Please remember hands, face, ventilation - and where possible create space
  • We are not reintroducing the one metre distancing rule at this time, but please be mindful of distancing wherever possible
  • All patients and visitors will also be asked to wear facemasks when on DCHS premises, unless they have an exemption for medical reasons.  

Lateral flow testing:

  • If you are attending work regularly you must carry out twice-weekly LFTs and report the results on the GOV.UK website. This includes community teams and staff on all DCHS premises, including GP practices
  • If you predominantly work from home but occasionally attend sites for meetings then please take a LFT on the day you are attending a site
  • Work-based gatherings/events can continue, but please take extra care and precautions to keep your colleagues safe. 

Symptomatic of Covid-19?

  • Hopefully it goes without saying, but please DO NOT attend work if you have any Covid-19 symptoms. 

All of the above will be reviewed on a weekly basis. If you need any help or support please do not hesitate to contact the IP&C team

On behalf of

Michelle Bateman

Executive Director of Nursing, AHPs and Quality. Director of Infection Prevention and Control.