Keep up to date with innovations and emerging research to improve your practice
introducing KnowledgeShare - an online web-based current awareness system being offered by Derbyshire NHS Library and Knowledge Service.
Research and Innovation
Our vision is to increase capacity, capability and participation in research and innovation as we embed a culture of continuous improvement across the organisation.
Storm Henk – update and advice
Updated plans for Belper’s proposed new base for community health services to be shared on 27 January
Revised plans for a new base for Belper’s community health services, situated on the site of the former Belper Clinic, will be shared during a virtual meeting on Thursday 27 January at 6pm.
Bakewell’s new Newholme Health Centre – latest updates and project plans
Speech and language therapy service
Our therapists, practitioners, assistants and admin support workers work together to deliver high quality services for adults and children who have speech, language and communication difficulties; eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). We work with adults and children, throughout Derbyshire and Derby City. More specifically: Derby City and Derbyshire County - Adults and Derby City and the southern half of Derbyshire County - Children.
Recognition of the Deteriorating Child Policy (P93)
The aim of this policy is to set the minimum standard and frequency for monitoring and recording Child patients’ vital signs in their own home, Urgent Treatment Centres and Outpatient Podiatric Surgery. The mismanagement of deterioration is a common area of systemic failure in avoidable patient death across the NHS and poor communication is a leading cause of adverse events in healthcare. The Paediatric Observation Priority Score (POPS) offers a common language to describe and communicate a child’s acute illness severity by all healthcare professionals in all settings and is central to establishing a national pathway for improving the management of deterioration and sepsis.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Statement (G281)
G281 - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Statement (Section 7.1 in P69)
How to Prepare your Election Statement Final 2021
How to Prepare your Election Statement Final 2021
Metatarsalgia (Pain in ball of foot) - Weil - Schwartz Osteotomy (L19)
Metatarsalgia (Pain in ball of foot) - Weil - Schwartz Osteotomy. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
Standard Operating Procedure for Stay Steady Strength And Balance Programme (S102)
To outline the clinical and quality standards of DCHS strength and balance improvement programmes for secondary falls prevention (known as Stay Steady Strength and Balance). In addition, the SOP will provide an audit framework for the continual improvement of programmes being delivered.
A7 Community Cardiac Rehabilitation Home Programme Questionnaire (S109)
Community Cardiac Rehabilitation Home Programme Questionnaire
L306 - What happens at the first SLT appointment
L306 - What happens at the first SLT appointment
How to complete documentation for a P2a and P2b MDT - A7 (G320)
How to complete documentation for a P2a and P2b MDT
Disclosure Ref 202498 - Physician Associates (PAs).pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 202498 regarding Physician Associates (PAs).
1292 - Podiatric Surgery Medical Questionnaire
Podiatric Surgery Medical Questionnaire