DCHS proud to be Veteran Aware accredited
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vulputate arcu ut turpis commodo pulvinar. Donec a dolor turpis. Aenean in lobortis risus. Vivamus sagittis pulvinar nunc vitae fringilla. Nulla aliquam et augue a posuere. Praesent in cursus felis. In ac odio pharetra massa aliquam varius pharetra sed nulla. Mauris volutpat hendrerit velit eu dignissim. Donec at velit non mauris auctor placerat sit amet ac metus. Aliquam auctor urna in posuere faucibus. Fusce non aliquet est. Fusce nibh felis, sagittis a risus ut, placerat tristique magna.
Farewell message to Tim Kilmartin
St. Oswald's Hospital
Rainbow lanyard awareness posters
TPP099-0108 - NEWS2 Escalation Plan for Podiatric Surgery
TPP099-0108 - NEWS2 Escalation Plan for Podiatric Surgery
L223 - Managing Breathlessness Leaflet
L223 - Managing Breathlessness. A Respiratory Service patient information leaflet leaflet.
Verification of Adult Death Policy (P51)
When a person dies, a number of steps need to be completed to allow legal registration of the death and for a funeral to take place: 1. Confirmation of the fact of death. 2. Certification of the medical cause of death or referral to the Coroner. 3. Registration of the Death. Obtaining a burial or cremation order. The aim of this policy is to provide a framework for the timely verification of adult deaths by competent registered clinicians. It will enable staff to care appropriately for the deceased and minimise distress for families and carers following a death. Timely verification – within one hour in a hospital setting and within four hours in a community setting – is an important stage in the grieving process for relatives and carers and also a key time for support (Wilson et al, 2017).
Joint Policy for Aftercare for Detained Patients under section 117 Mental Health Act 1983 Policy and Procedures (P13)
Summarises the legal responsibilities placed on Clinical Commissioning Groups and Social Services for section 117 and describes the implementation and administration processes within Derbyshire.
Record Keeping Guidance for Occupational Therapists
Record Keeping Guidance for Occupational Therapists
STAY conversations
DCHS STAY conversations - managers guide. This is a management tool, not a formal process, aimed at supporting staff retention.
Belper health and community services hub plans - public presentation for 27 January 2022.pdf
Belper health and community services hub - plans. Public presentation (27 January) prior to submitting planning application.
A9 Functional Protocols for Cardiac Rehabilitation Service (S109)
Functional Protocols for Cardiac Rehabilitation Service
Appendix 7 - Guidance for pharmacist reviewing and updating the PGD (P5)
Appendix 7 - Guidance for pharmacist reviewing and updating the PGD (P5)
DCHS Mandatory training overview (V0.1) May 2022
Mandatory training overview (V0.1) May 2022