Staff networks for equality diversity and inclusion
The LGBT+ staff network, BAME staff network, disability and long term conditions DLTC staff network and armed forces staff network
Derbyshire NHS helping new parents with baby feeding campaign
Tier 3 Weight Management for Professionals
The information here is for professionals in Derbyshire seeking more information on the Tier 3 Weight Management service.
Private Alice Bell marching into history
L220 - Hallux Valgus (Bunion) Procedure
L220 - Hallux Valgus (Bunion) Procedure
Fleet and Transport Management Guidelines
DCHS Fleet and Transport Management Guidelines
Infection prevention and Control Policy (P69)
P69 Infection prevention and Control Policy
Airmid Guidance June 2022.pdf
Disclosure Ref 2024214 -Mobile device management System.pdf
Freedom of information disclosure regarding mobile device management system (MDM), corporate mobile phones, tablets/ipads
L277 - Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy
L277 - Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy Warning Card
L286 - Food textures that pose a risk of choking
Food textures that pose a risk of choking leaflet.
Disclosure Ref 2024231 - Carbon reduction contract and spend.pdf
Freedom of information disclosure regarding carbon reduction, Digital Strategy & printers
Records Management Policy.docx
DCHS Records Management Policy
Information Governance - Newsletter Feb 2023.docx
Information Governance Newsletter February 2023