Walton Hospital – craning in the final pieces of the building jigsaw!
Self-management facilitator service
Urgent Windows 10 20H2 update and remediation programme
Your JUCD Wellbeing Survey
Mental Health Act 1983 - Urgent Treatment Policy and Procedure (P102)
To provide guidance to Trust staff when considering the use of urgent treatment to patients detained in hospital under the MHA 1983, or subject to a Community Treatment Order.
Disclosure Ref 202441 - Physical assaults against hospital staff.pdf
Freedom of Information Disclosure Ref 202441 relating to Physical assaults against hospital staff
The Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) Did Not Wait, Left Without Being Seen SOP (S144)
The SOP defines what staff should do when a patient or parents/carers with a child leave the unit after being booked in, but prior to being assessed, or who leave the department before finishing treatment.
Disclosure Ref 202526 - Primary Hernia repairs.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding total number of NHS referrals for primary inguinal, femoral,umbilical and epigastric hernia repairs at your trust in the last 3 years
Disclosure Ref 202543 - Clinical Coding Details for 2024.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding Clinical Coding Details for 2024
Food Safety Policy.docx
DCHS Food Safety Policy
DSE Minimum Specifications Guidance for Managers June19.docx
DSE Minimum Specifications Guidance for Managers
Employee Personal File Contents Checklist - Sept 2023
Guidance on the types of records that should/could be held in an employee file
DCHS Engagement Policy
Poems from the Pandemic image