Babington Hospital
Babington Hospital offers the following DCHS services: community therapy, physiotherapy and children's services.
Message from Julie Houlder and Tracy Allen, on behalf of the DCHS Trust Board: Ongoing social unrest
Living well with dementia
CPD log template (A7 P57)
CPD log template
Appendix 3 Initial Death Review (P72)
Initial Death Review
RCN Advanced Preparation of Insulin Syringes for Adult Patients to Administer at Home (P4)
RCN Advanced Preparation of Insulin Syringes for Adult Patients to Administer at Home
A Guide for Checking Data Loggers for use by Clinics and Departments (A2 - S48)
A Guide for Checking Data Loggers for use by Clinics and Departments
Waste Management Operating Standards.docx
DCHS Waste Management Operating Standards
Searching Patients and their Belongings Policy (P65)
The aim of this policy is to ensure that appropriate actions and control measures are in place for staff undertaking searches across DCHS, to maintain a consistent approach and to provide clinicians with guidance on the searching of patients and their belongings as recommended by the Mental Health Act 1983 code of practice 2015 and NICE guidance NG10. This will ensure that the safety of staff and the privacy of patients remains protected at all times.
Renasys Touch Patient Guide.pdf
Renasys Touch Patient Guide
0535 - Anticoagulation Maintenance Referral Form
0535 - Anticoagulation Maintenance Referral Form
L31 - Just in Case Box Anticipatory Medicine Pack
L31 - Just in Case Box Anticipatory Medicine Pack Leaflet