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DCHS Charitable Fund Restructure
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Policy (P90)
To provide information about the practical help and support that is available to employees of DCHSFT who are currently experiencing domestic abuse, or are experiencing trauma as a result of their past experiences of abuse. This Policy also covers the approach to be taken where an employee’s behaviour towards their family may constitute domestic abuse. Providing this information empowers Managers to take effective, supportive action and reinforces the message that domestic abuse and sexual violence cannot be ignored.
Dressing Formulary and Wound Care Guidelines (G68)
The Derbyshire Wound Care and dressing formulary has been revised in collaboration with the East Midlands Wound Care Formulary Group. Work has been undertaken to provide a clinically effective, appropriate and cost effective choices of products to manage the vast majority of wounds. The formulary is available for all practitioners working for Derbyshire Community Health Services and Primary Care Services. It is expected that prescribers will preferentially use the products listed in the guide for routine use and be able to provide robust rationale where they have prescribed outside the formulary.
L229 - Sputum Clearance Technique
L229 - Sputum Clearance Technique. Respiratory Service patient information leaflet.
Hyperkalaemia Assessment and Management in Community Settings Guidelines (G102)
These guidelines have been produced to support the safe and timely management of hyperkalaemia in primary and community care (National Patient Safety Alert: NHS/PSA/RE/2018/006).
Medicine Code (S2)
This Code defines the roles and responsibilities of all health care professionals and ancillary staff involved in the ordering, storage, distribution, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines within DCHS. This Medicines Code extends the previous Medicines Codes and reviews them in light of current legislation and guidelines.
Identification Policy for Patients (P70)
Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS) aims to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of patients by having robust systems in place to confirm a patient’s identify. This policy provides guidance for staff to reduce the risk of misidentification of patients using the guidance issued in the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) Safer Practice Notice (2007) “Standardising wristbands improves patient safety”. This policy aims to: • Reduce the potential of harm to patients caused by misidentification; • Ensure compliance with National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) advice.
Picture of neck anatomy
2-2½ year review Best Practice Guidelines (G211)
This Best Practice Guidance gives clear guidance on the minimum standard expected of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (Health Visitors) when undertaking a 2 – 2½ year review. It outlines the goal and essential components of the 2 – 2½ year review offered to all families in Derbyshire when their child is 2 – 2½ years old. This document also supports a commitment to ensure evidence-based tools and training are embedded within practice, supporting the national commissioning for outcomes recommendations, and offering assurance that the service is focused on personalised and needs based care.
Deployment of Approved Clinicians Policy (P98)
The policy aims to provide clear guidance on the training, role, retention, deployment and support of multidisciplinary Approved Clinicians. • ensure that the hospital mangers have an policy and protocols for appropriate deployment of Approved Clinicians • ensure that DCHS is able to ensure patients access high quality care in line with appropriate legal frameworks such as the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act. • ensure compliance with the Mental Health Act 1983 and subsequent Code of Practice 2015. • ensure robust governance arrangements that are transparent in their nature. • support the Trusts ambition of providing patients with a suitably skilled Approved Clinician to progress care according to the guiding prinicples of the MHA . • ensure the specific needs of all patients are met in a fair and equitable way.
Veteran Aware Information Leaflet
DCHS Veteran Aware information leaflet - July 2022; includes our commitment to the armed forces community when accessing healthcare