571 Pages found that matched your search:
677 Files found that matched your search:


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Disclosure Ref 2022127 - BI & Data Warehousing, E-rostering, Order Communications, Pathology, Pharmacy, & Scheduling.pdf

Response to FOI

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Band 3 Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Assistant Speech and Language Therapy Service SOP – Children’s Community Service (S121)

The aim of this SOP is to outline the processes involved in identifying and managing children referred to the Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Assistant (SLTA).

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Mental Health Act 1983 - Detention of Informal Patients under Section 5(4) Policy and Procedure (P104)

This policy provides guidance on the use of Section 5(4), nurses holding power under the Mental Health Act 1983. It should be followed by all Registered Mental Health Nurses and Learning Disability Nurses working in trust in-patient areas. This short-term power, not more than six hours, can be applied to informal patients under certain conditions as below. This policy should be read in conjunction with Chapter 18 ‘Holding powers’ of the Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice (2015).

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Disclosure Ref 2024131 - Cyber Security Attacks.pdf

FOI Disclosure Ref 2024131 relating to Cyber Security Attacks

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Adult Nutrition, Food and Hydration Guidelines For Community Patients (G319)

The aim of this guidance is to support patients who are unable to maintain their nutritional status by eating and drinking orally. The purpose of these guidelines is to: • Give clear, defined, evidence-based guidelines for all employees within DCHS working in the community setting, to support patients with maintaining adequate nutrition and hydration status. • Ensure that the defined minimum requirements for documentation are clearly laid down to enable clinicians to accurately monitor and assess the nutrition and hydration status of the patient in a timely manner. • Ensure that all relevant employees are given the necessary information, instruction and training to provide them with the knowledge and skills to monitor and maintain the nutrition and hydration status of the patient and to reduce the risk of complications.

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Service Level Clinical Harms Standard Operating Procedure (S139)

This document should be read in conjunction with the overarching DCHS patient access and safe waiting policy which outlines the processes to be followed in order to deliver a consistent approach to. • Utilising a proactive method of risk stratification to minimise clinical harm as a result of delays in care. • Embedding systems which take into account health inequalities. • Monitoring waiting times against defined thresholds across pathways of care. • Delivering personalised, patient-centred communications to patients who are waiting for care. • Implementing Harm Reviews for the that support the Trusts governance and assurance processes and maintains practice in line with national expectations.

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Disclosure Ref 2024191 - Urgent Treatment Centre ophthalmology (eye care) services.pdf

Disclosure Ref 2024191 relating to Urgent Treatment Centre ophthalmology (eye care) services

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Disclosure Ref 202522 - Deaths recorded in 2023 where vaping was a cause .pdf

Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding the number of deaths recorded at your trust in the year 2023 where vaping was a cause or contributor

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HRP03 Personal Leave (Special Leave) Policy

HRP03 Personal Leave Policy - formerly DCHS Special Leave Policy. Updated May 2022 Name changed to Personal Leave Policy, includes Compassionate leave scenarios, including loss of baby during pregnancy; Reserve/Cadet Forces Leave; Spouses and Long-Term Partners of Armed Forces Personnel and Military Spousal Leave and Leave for volunteering purposes.

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Dysphagia Management Guidelines for Adults with neurological disorders in community - Derbyshire and Derby City (G3)

These guidelines set out the process of Dysphagia management used by the Speech and Language Therapy Department in the community in Derbyshire and Derby City. The overall aim of our Dysphagia Service is to ensure that individuals are identified and enabled to eat / drink / take medication safely and comfortably. The guidelines aim to provide a highly specialised and holistic service to individuals with complex forms of Dysphagia using the latest evidence based assessments, treatments and Dysphagia management policies. We aim to improve dysphagia related health outcomes and individuals quality of life, and employ effective risk management strategies for preventing harm and improving individual’s health outcomes.