571 Pages found that matched your search:
677 Files found that matched your search:


About Airmid

Airmid is a Patient App which allows you to view and cancel appointments at any time (rebooking is coming soon).

Finance and Procurement System Changes

The Trust’s current contract for the provision of financial services (i.e. finance and procurement) from NHS Shared Business Services (SBS) is coming to an end on 31 March 2022. 

Speech and language therapy service

Our therapists, practitioners, assistants and admin support workers work together to deliver high quality services for adults and children who have speech, language and communication difficulties; eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). We work with adults and children, throughout Derbyshire and Derby City. More specifically: Derby City and Derbyshire County - Adults and Derby City and the southern half of Derbyshire County - Children.

Tier 3 Weight Management Service Derbyshire

The Tier 3 Weight Management Service offers a weight management programme to support adults with severe and complex obesity to lose weight across Derby City and Derbyshire County.


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Section 5.28 COVID-19 (IP&C Policy)

Section 5.28 COVID-19 (IP& C Policy) v2 (September 2022). With links. The aim of this document is to provide operational guidance to staff in particular in relation to COVID-19.

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Disclosure Ref 2024143 - CAFM contract.pdf

FOI disclosure relating to CAFM contract

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Disclosure Ref 202509 - Staff employed in A&E & colour of scrubs .pdf

Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding Staff employed in A&E & colour of scrubs

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Example Policy (pdf)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse interdum eget odio ut vestibulum. Nunc at enim risus. Proin interdum tincidunt lacus ac scelerisque. Donec congue, urna eget aliquam convallis, nisi ipsum sagittis diam, ac aliquam magna urna vel lorem. Pellentesque scelerisque magna vitae arcu consequat auctor. Suspendisse elementum eros ut urna sodales varius. Mauris at metus lectus.

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Hybrid Working and Mobile Devices Policy

DCHS Hybrid Working and Mobile Devices Policy The aim of this policy is to protect DCHS information that is processed remotely or is stored on mobile devices from loss or unwanted exposure, and to minimise the risk of theft of mobile working devices.

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Covert Administration of Medicines Policy (P59)

The policy applies to patients who are being treated by Derbyshire Community Health Services Foundation Trust (DCHSFT) inpatient wards, units and pathway 2 care home beds where DCHS employed staff have medical accountability for residents. DCHSFT recognises and respects the autonomy of individuals who receive treatment. However there are times when severely incapacitated individuals in our care can neither consent nor refuse treatment and the use of covert medications may need to be considered. This policy applies to the administration of medicines for a physical disorder or a mental disorder under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and to medication for a mental disorder administered under Part 4 and Part 4A of the Mental Health Act 1983. Treatment of a physical condition can only be given under the Mental Health Act Part 4 if the condition is a symptom or manifestation of the mental disorder.

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L273 - Best Interest Document 1/3: Mental Capacity Act Summary

L273 - Best Interest Document 1/3: Mental Capacity Act Summary. This booklet will tell you some things about: • The Mental Capacity Act • Best interest decisions • What a deputy is • How to challenge a decision if you do not like it

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A9 Management of Diabetic Patients on Insulin on Community Cardiac Rehabilitation Programmes (S109)

Procedure for how to manage diabetic patients on Insulin on Community Cardiac Rehabilitation Programmes

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Administration of Insulin Injection Policy and Standard Operating Procedure (P4)

There are a growing number of people who, because of disability, increasing age or infirmity, are unable to administer their own insulin and will need support. This guideline aims to promote standardisation and safety of insulin administration within Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS NHS FT). This document aligns with the Professional Guidance on the Administration of Medicines in Healthcare Settings (Royal Pharmaceutical Society 2019). Patient centred care based upon different ways of working underpins this policy and procedure as identified within the NHS Plan (DH 2000), the NSF for Older People (DH 2001), Making a Difference (DH 2001) and the NSF for Diabetes (DH 2002). UK Injection technique Recommendations have been considered alongside the need to consider safer sharps for staff (Forum for Injection Technique 2016). Underpinning the guidance are the most recent NICE and Derbyshire guidance for the management of diabetes (Joint Area Prescribing Committee 2018 NICE 2015) and National Patient Safety Alert (NPSA), ‘Risk of severe harm and death due to withdrawing insulin from pen devices,’ 16 November 2016.

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Clinical Record Keeping Policy and Standards (P6)

This policy aims to ensure that the clinical records made by staff are fit for purpose and of a quality that provide for objective, accurate, current and comprehensive information that supports and enables the best clinical care and treatment for the patient/client. This policy has incorporated a range of best practice and related legislative requirements to outline the organisations expectations for clinical record keeping standards, both on paper and electronically. The policy provides support to the organisation in meeting its statutory and legal obligations as laid down by the Records Management: NHS Code of Practice 2016; Data Protection Act 1998 section 7, General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and relevant professional bodies. The policy also identifies the standards expected of all registered and non-registered staff. It sets a minimum standard, which will be applicable to all patient settings, including community clinics and inpatient areas. This policy does not replace standards set by professional organisations, but is complementary to them and should be used in conjunction with them.