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1259 - Medication and falls prevention in the older person

1259 - JAPC Medication and falls prevention in the older person

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Exudate Management Pathway (G195)

Exudate Management Pathway

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Disconnection of Continuous Infusional Chemotherapy from a Central Venous Access Device (CVAD) in the Community SOP (S65)

The aim of this SOP is to provide guidance for staff in the clinical procedure of the disconnection of continuous infusion chemotherapy from a CVAD within a DCHS setting across adult services. This SOP is intended to reduce the level of risks associated with this procedure.

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Was Not Brought - Did Not Attend - No Access Visit Policy (P88)

The purpose of this document is to outline the responsibilities of Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS) staff when parents/carers disengage from health services and there are concerns about the welfare of children and adults in their care. Laming (2003) and learning from serious case reviews and safeguarding adult reviews show that disengagement from healthcare may be partial, intermittent, persistent or terminal in nature. It is widely acknowledged that ‘was not brought’/‘non-attendance’ and avoidance of seeing health staff can be a sign that things are not as they should be within the family and/or person’s life. This may have serious consequences for some children and adults dependent on others to meet their care and support needs. It may also signal potential abuse or neglect. It is imperative that early non engagement with services is identified in order for health practitioners to consider if this is a safeguarding concern that requires a safeguarding referral, safety planning or escalation.

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NHS Improvement-G6Self-Certification May21

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Mileage consultation frequently asked questions - v2

DCHS mileage consultation FAQs v2

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L310 - Management of catheter associated urinary tract infections

DCHS management of catheter urinary tract infections - bitesize learning

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Appendix 5 - Case of Need for Development of a Patient Group Direction (P5)

Appendix 5 - Case of Need for Development of a Patient Group Direction (P5)

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Patient Supervision and Observation Policy (P82)

This policy aims to provide a framework for staff working in Derbyshire Community Health Services Foundation Trust (DCHS) to enable them to follow a consistent approach in the planning and implementation of patient supervision and observation for patients who pose a potential or actual risk to themselves or others. The policy provides clear instructions on how patient supervision should be implemented. Guidelines are also provided for the assessment of risk, to identify the level of supervision required and effective care planning.

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A5 - Bed Rails Post Installation 72 Hour Review Form – Stage 2

Bed Rails Post Installation 72 Hour Review Form – Stage 2,P43