Phlebotomy service
My Download - November 8 2021
Weekly all DCHS staff e-newsletter
Recognition of Staff Excellence (ROSE) award
Dual Diagnosis Guideline (G1)
This guidance describes the objectives that need to be in place to ensure that; DCHS staff have the appropriate skills for working with service users who have a dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance misuse; and that there is an agreed way forward for working with this service user group.
Person Centred Care Planning Guidance booklet (G51)
This aim of this booklet is to supply guidance on how to write person centred care plans
Transcribing Medicines including Insulin for Patients in their Own Homes (Including Care Homes) and within the Short Breaks Service SOP (S29)
This procedure sets out how to record medicine administration, which will make use of transcribing as detailed in the above document.
Falls Management Policy for use in Urgent Treatment Centres, Community and Outpatient settings (P32)
The Trust’s aim is to prevent harm resulting from falls that may occur by assessing each patient and identifying their individual risk and the interventions required. There is an expectation that clinicians who work in the community and who see patients in their own homes, extended care settings or in outpatient settings will use the policy framework as part of their everyday practice within DCHS. This policy incorporates key national guidance: - • NICE CG161 (2013) “Falls: the assessment and prevention of falls in older people • NICE Quality standards (2015) ‘Assessment after a fall and preventing further falls’. • NICE (2015) on ‘Head Injury: assessment and early management’ • BGS Fit for Frailty (2014) ‘Consensus best practice guidance for the care of older people living in community and outpatient settings’ • Public Health England (2019) ‘Preventing falls in people with learning disabilities: making reasonable adjustments’
Chaperone Policy (P87)
The purpose of the Chaperone Policy is to set out the principles, practice and responsibilities of Trust staff for using a chaperone. The policy is aimed at DCHS Services and staff who provide care and treatment that requires the patient to have a procedure. The relationship between the person and the health professional should be one of mutual trust, confidence and respect. Over the years there have been incidents where the relationship has been breached, resulting in harm to the person and criminal prosecution of the health professional (HM Government, 2007). Inadequate communication and misunderstandings about the behaviour demonstrated during a procedure by a health professional towards the person, has also resulted in health professionals facing allegations of professional misconduct. Safe and effective communication is crucial, before during and after a procedure. The use of a chaperone can help to protect both the person and the health professional.
Mobile Working Guide Nursing Straight Run through.pdf
Setting up a mobile working care plan for nursing
Guidance leaflet regarding looking after information about you
Mobile Working Setting Up Care Plans PPOC and EKOS.pdf
PPOC and EKOS setting up mobile working care plans
Overview of 'New Starter' training requirements (23-24) V1.pdf
Overview of induction training requirements for new starters
SAMA Template 15 Review outcome extension
Template 15 Review outcome extension letter