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HRP53 eRostering Policy

HRP 53 eRostering policy. purpose of the Rostering Policy is to ensure that service users’ safety is the primary objective of all Trust rosters. The purpose of this policy is to ensure all rosters have the staffing level and skill mix required for the safe and appropriate care of service users, which is available at all times. v1 May 2022

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0-19 Children’s Services Standard Operating Procedure (S92)

This Standard Operating Procedure gives an overview of the service provided by the 0-19 Children’s Community Services. It also supports a commitment to ensure evidence-based tools and training are embedded within practice, supporting the national commissioning for outcomes recommendations, and offering assurance that the service is focused on personalised and needs based care. This Standard Operating Procedure should be used in conjunction with other DCHS Childrens and DCHS Trust policies along with The NMC Code.

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Accessing+Encrypted+Emails+Guide for Non NHSmail Users.pdf

Guidance for encrypted emails including receiving encrypted emails creating an account to use Egress and keeping encrypted emails secure

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CNN targeted interventions Menu Guidance (G272)

As part of the Public health Nursing service, the 0-19 teams offer targeted, time limited interventions and support for a range of public health needs. Local teams have a wealth of knowledge and experience which can provide early intervention and first level support in a timely manner, to help families address concerns or problems effectively. This guide gives an overview of the range of support available, including the limitations and exclusion criteria, and also provide details of a range of other services in Derbyshire that support children and families.

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Mental Health Act 1983 Community Treatment Order Policy (P103)

To guide staff on the implementation of a Community Treatment Order (CTO) in accordance with the MHA 1983 and the MHA Code of Practice 2015. To ensure lawful and appropriate use of CTO’s within the Trust and that legal rights of any patient subject to a CTO are upheld at all stages.

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Fleet and Transport Management Guidelines

DCHS Fleet and Transport Management Guidelines

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DSE Minimum Specifications Guidance for Managers June19.docx

DSE Minimum Specifications Guidance for Managers

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Poems from the Pandemic image

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L220 - Hallux Valgus (Bunion) Procedure

L220 - Hallux Valgus (Bunion) Procedure

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Employee Personal File Contents Checklist - Sept 2023

Guidance on the types of records that should/could be held in an employee file