Diabetes Education for Professionals
The information here is for professionals in Derbyshire working with patients with type 2 diabetes.
Covid-19 staffing - Call to Arms
Temporary staffing to support the DCHS NHS FT response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Bridging the healthcare access gap for people with disabilities
A NEW initiative to encourage more healthcare and/or non-clinical staff to take up sign language as an extra language and skill, is now available locally.
World Mental Health Day
IT equipment amnesty - we need your help please!
IT equipment amnesty - we need your help please!
Diabetes services
We provide two services for people with diabetes - Community Diabetes for people with Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes and our Diabetes Education service for people with Type 2 diabetes in Derby and Derbyshire. Each service is designed and selected according to individual requirements.
Post micturition dribble or after dribble - A common problem in men (L270)
L270 - Post micturition dribble or after dribble - A common problem in men. Patient information leaflet that summarizes, some common; symptoms, causes, tips and support available.
Section 5.28 COVID-19 (IP&C Policy)
Section 5.28 COVID-19 (IP& C Policy) v2 (September 2022). With links. The aim of this document is to provide operational guidance to staff in particular in relation to COVID-19.
Admission Discharge and Transfer Policy for DCHS OPMH and Neurodevelopmental inpatient Service (P84)
Derbyshire Community Health Services FT (DCHS) has both Learning disability (LD) and Older Peoples Mental Health (OPMH) specialist in-patient services located in the North of the county which provides services to meet acute clinical health care needs. The OPMH service covers North Derbyshire; the LD service is the bedded provision for the County of Derbyshire. The policy sets clinical standards to improve the admission of appropriate patients. The policy encompasses the whole patient pathway including the Admission, Discharge and Transfer processes of these services.
L274 - Best Interest Document 3/3: What decision has been made?
L274 - Best Interest Document 3/3: What decision has been made? This booklet covers: • Some things about the Mental Capacity Act (2005) • What a best interest decision means • What decision needed to be made about you • What was thought about to make the decision • What was decided
Electronic Prescribing in the Community SOP (S77)
The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to outline the steps required for community prescribers to utilise the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS – also known as ETP2). EPS enables community prescribers to transfer prescriptions electronically to the patient’s nominated pharmacy via the Spine which can then be collected without the need for a paper prescription.
Verification of Adult Death Policy (P51)
When a person dies, a number of steps need to be completed to allow legal registration of the death and for a funeral to take place: 1. Confirmation of the fact of death. 2. Certification of the medical cause of death or referral to the Coroner. 3. Registration of the Death. Obtaining a burial or cremation order. The aim of this policy is to provide a framework for the timely verification of adult deaths by competent registered clinicians. It will enable staff to care appropriately for the deceased and minimise distress for families and carers following a death. Timely verification – within one hour in a hospital setting and within four hours in a community setting – is an important stage in the grieving process for relatives and carers and also a key time for support (Wilson et al, 2017).
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prophylaxis Policy (P8)
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) is a leading cause of avoidable death in the UK. It is estimated that VTE causes in excess of 25,000 potentially preventable deaths per annum in UK hospitals – five times the estimated number of deaths each year from hospital-acquired infection. In the UK as a whole this figure is approximately 60,000 preventable deaths each year (DH, 2007). The implementation of evidence based guidelines first published by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) in 2010 focussing on the prevention of VTE in hospitalised patients has been afforded a high priority by the Department of Health and commissioners. VTE risk assessment is a former national CQUIN indicator and is a National Quality Requirement in the NHS Standard Contract for 2019/20 (NHSE, 2019). It sets a threshold rate of 95% of adult inpatients being risk assessed for VTE on admission each month. This policy and the accompanying clinical documentation will enable clinicians to reduce mortality and morbidity associated with this VTE through screening patients admitted for day surgery or inpatient care and those attending Minor Injury Unit / Urgent Treatment Centres, educating patients and carers about preventative measures, initiating prophylactic treatment and recognising signs of VTE development.
Wound Assessment SOP (S62)
The purpose of this document is to provide a clear written procedure for staff to understand what information is required when assessing a wound using the wound assessment template on SystmOne. It will include information about when to refer to different services and key information about individual accountability to the patient in wound care. This document will be available to all nurses in Community Health Services and to new starters. It will provide them with a single reference point for how to assess a wound and action to be taken in the event of problems, concerns or complaints.
Being Open and Duty of Candour Policy (P81)
The purpose of this policy is to set out the arrangements for open and honest communication following an event/incident, complaint or claim in compliance with the Being Open principles and Duty of Candour requirements
DCHS Clinical Supervisor details for database form
DCHS Clinical Supervisor details for database form - for adding or updating details to the supervisors database