24th June 2022

About the survey

Are you a Health Care Support Worker who has joined since December 2020?

If so we want to hear your views about how we can best support you to stay and thrive in your important role.

NHS England and NHS Improvement (Midlands) Nursing Directorate is leading on this piece of work to enable better planning and ways of working when recruiting and employing Health Care Support Workers.

Who’s the survey for?

As a recently appointed and valued Health Care Support Worker (HCSW) you are encouraged to complete a short online survey which will be sent on 27 June.

It will ask you questions about the recruitment process, induction and your plans for the future.

Why it’s important to take part

By taking part in the survey, your views will be heard by the organisation, region and key decision makers and used to inform improvements to recruitment, induction and employee experience as a health care support worker.

How to take part

On your phone using the QR code or direct link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=kp4VA8ZyI0umSq9Q55Ctv-y7ML_vyPFKujPfHJojyAxUMUxUWkFGUUU4RVkzOFhNQ05HSUtXTkVLVC4u

QR Code for HSW Survery.png

Keeping your views safe

All results will remain confidential and no one from where you work will see your completed suvey or be able to identify individual responses.​​​​​​​

For more information please contact


Senior Project Manager – Joined Up Careers Derbyshire