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Deployment of Approved Clinicians Policy (P98)

The policy aims to provide clear guidance on the training, role, retention, deployment and support of multidisciplinary Approved Clinicians. • ensure that the hospital mangers have an policy and protocols for appropriate deployment of Approved Clinicians • ensure that DCHS is able to ensure patients access high quality care in line with appropriate legal frameworks such as the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act. • ensure compliance with the Mental Health Act 1983 and subsequent Code of Practice 2015. • ensure robust governance arrangements that are transparent in their nature. • support the Trusts ambition of providing patients with a suitably skilled Approved Clinician to progress care according to the guiding prinicples of the MHA . • ensure the specific needs of all patients are met in a fair and equitable way.

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Veteran Aware Information Leaflet

DCHS Veteran Aware information leaflet - July 2022; includes our commitment to the armed forces community when accessing healthcare

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2022 10 06 Board Pack.pdf

October 2022 - DCHS Trust Board Meeting

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Guidelines for the management of patients who Did Not Attend (DNA) an appointment (G265)

To standardise the process for managing patients who DNA initial and follow-up appointments.

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Opportunistic Maggots Guidance (G274)

Every year during the hot weather we experience an increase in patients with opportunistic maggots in the community. This guidance is to aid assessment and management of these patients.

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Infant Feeding Practitioner (IFP) Standard Operating Procedure SOP (S136)

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) gives an overview of the service provided by Infant Feeding Practitioners (IFP). It also supports a commitment to ensure evidence based tools and training are embedded within practice, supporting the local commissioning for outcomes recommendations, and offering assurance that the service is focused on personalised and needs based care. This Standard Operating Procedure should be used in conjunction with other DCHS Childrens and DCHS Trust policies along with UNICEF Baby Friendly standards.

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Disclosure Ref 202508 - NHS Pension Scheme .pdf

Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding staff currently employed who are also members of the NHS pension scheme

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Example Policy (docx)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse interdum eget odio ut vestibulum. Nunc at enim risus. Proin interdum tincidunt lacus ac scelerisque. Donec congue, urna eget aliquam convallis, nisi ipsum sagittis diam, ac aliquam magna urna vel lorem. Pellentesque scelerisque magna vitae arcu consequat auctor. Suspendisse elementum eros ut urna sodales varius. Mauris at metus lectus.

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Section 17 Leave Policy Mental Health Act 1983 (P12)

P12 DCHS Section 17 Leave Policy Mental Health Act 1983. This Policy has been developed to assist and support staff in managing patients who are eligible for appropriate leave of absence from hospital in line and with reference to the Mental Health Act 1983 and the Mental Health Act (MHA) Code of Practice (CoP) (2015)

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North Derbyshire OPAT (Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy) Pathway for Primary Care (Step-Up Pathway/Admission Avoidance) (G198)

OPAT services provide intravenous (IV) antibiotics to patients outside of the acute hospital inpatient setting. Patients who are otherwise medically fit, and who would otherwise require a hospital bed, can avoid admission to hospital, or be discharged sooner by receiving treatment either as an outpatient or within their own homes. In North Derbyshire, this is achieved by Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation Trust (CRHFT) working in partnership with Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) Rapid Response Team (RRT).