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General Discussion

Aliquam vitae sollicitudin purus. Aliquam ullamcorper scelerisque velit in porttitor. Nullam pulvinar maximus nunc, nec finibus massa molestie at. Nulla ut enim vel enim molestie hendrerit at in dui. Sed tincidunt sapien dui, sed elementum felis convallis at. Ut vitae consectetur sapien. Cras faucibus sem nec risus sagittis, in dignissim nisi laoreet.


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Conservative Sharp Debridement (CSD) of Wounds Policy (P99)

We know that wound dressings should provide the optimal environment for wound healing after careful clinical assessment of the wound, the patient clinical condition and clinical outcomes. Hard to heal wounds, however, fail to progress, and many can be seen with dead tissue, slough and necrosis which in turn can increase the risk of infection and also increase cost within appropriate dressing use and nursing time. This procedure will only be undertaken by the Tissue Viability team members who have successfully completed a validated programme of care and assessment of competence in practice. A minimum of 10 episodes of observed practice is to be completed until competency can be granted. The purpose of debridement describes any method by which such materials (necrosis, slough and dead de-vascularised tissue) are removed and consequently the potential to achieve wound healing enhanced. It also reduces the bacterial load and minimises the risk of local and systemic infection. It can allow for wound draining and reduce odour overall enhancing patient quality of life.

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Research Governance Policy and Research Passport Process

The aim of this policy is to ensure that all research activity which is undertaken by our employees or conducted within our premises conforms to principles of good practice in the management and conduct of health and social care research that take account of legal requirements and other standards as set out in the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research (November 2017) UK-policy-framework-health-social-care-research

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Patient Experience Team leaflet

Patient experience team leaflet, includes information on how to make a complaint and where patients/carers can access support. Updated 2022

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Disclosure Ref 2022124 - Staffing systems used.pdf

Response to FOI regarding Staffing systems used

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Neonatal Jaundice Guidelines (G267)

This guidance supports health visitors with management of jaundice in infants.

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Guidelines for Locality Managers and 0-19 Clinicians following notification of a child death (G318)

The aim of this document is to provide guidance for 0-19 clinical staff and Locality Managers following notification by the children’s services administration team of the death of a baby, child, or young person.

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Adult Nutrition, Food and Hydration Guidelines For Community Patients (G319)

The aim of this guidance is to support patients who are unable to maintain their nutritional status by eating and drinking orally. The purpose of these guidelines is to: • Give clear, defined, evidence-based guidelines for all employees within DCHS working in the community setting, to support patients with maintaining adequate nutrition and hydration status. • Ensure that the defined minimum requirements for documentation are clearly laid down to enable clinicians to accurately monitor and assess the nutrition and hydration status of the patient in a timely manner. • Ensure that all relevant employees are given the necessary information, instruction and training to provide them with the knowledge and skills to monitor and maintain the nutrition and hydration status of the patient and to reduce the risk of complications.

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Standard Operating Procedure for Medicines Management in the ISHS Community Setting (Pop up Clinic) (S134)

This SOP sets out the actions taken to facilitate the safe transportation, administration and monitoring of any medications used in the community setting in line with the medicines code.

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HRP03 Personal Leave (Special Leave) Policy

HRP03 Personal Leave Policy - formerly DCHS Special Leave Policy. Updated May 2022 Name changed to Personal Leave Policy, includes Compassionate leave scenarios, including loss of baby during pregnancy; Reserve/Cadet Forces Leave; Spouses and Long-Term Partners of Armed Forces Personnel and Military Spousal Leave and Leave for volunteering purposes.

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L157 - Pulmonary Exercise Programme Warm Up

L157 - Pulmonary Exercise Programme Warm Up. A Respiratory Service patient information leaflet.