591 Pages found that matched your search:
1000 Files found that matched your search:


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Lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries

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A6 - Day Time Wetting Pathway (P91)

A6 - Day Time Wetting Pathway

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A guide to what to do when someone has died (G316)

G316 - A guide to what to do when someone has died

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Select Task Template

Select Task Template

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Disclosure Ref 202404 - Dedicated Informatics & Communications Technology (ICT) Test Team.pdf

Freedom of Information disclosure regarding dedicated Informatics & Communications Technology (ICT) Test Team

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Disclosure Ref 2024126 - Framework Associated with Sterile Services Agency Supply.pdf

Disclosure Ref 2024126 - Framework Associated with Sterile Services Agency Supply

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Disclosure Ref 2024144 - Private maternity services .pdf

Private maternity services

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Patient Access and Safe Waiting Policy (P108)

This policy provides guidance for staff to ensure all patients who require access to all clinical services provided by Derbyshire Community Health Services are managed consistently, according to national and local frameworks and definitions. This policy describes the structure of the access route for patients and generic rules which apply across all Divisions across the Trust as well as actions that should be taken to ensure patients are kept safe while they wait. Successful implementation of this policy will also provide assurance that the Trust understands the risks that waiting for treatment can pose to patients and is taking steps to mitigate against these risks.

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Disclosure Ref 2024168 - Electro Convulsion Treatment .pdf

FOI Disclosure Ref 2024168 regarding Electro Convulsion Treatment

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Disclosure Ref 202534 - Spend on Sodium Hyaluronate eye drop.pdf

Freedom of information disclosure regarding spend on Sodium Hyaluronate eye drop