Move to Defender AntiVirus
Temporary Annual Leave Measures 2022
John’s incredible 50 years of voluntary service for Ripley Hospital
Increase in cases of Covid-19
HIV Confident pledge on stigma-free environment
0106 - Samples Fridge Temperature Monitoring Form (P69)
0106 - Samples Fridge Temperature Monitoring Form (P69)
Dysphagia Management Guidelines for Adults with Learning Disabilities Document History (G14)
These guidelines set out the process of Dysphagia management used by the Speech and Language Therapy Department in North Derbyshire. The overall aim of our Dysphagia Service is to ensure that individuals are identified and enabled to eat / drink / take medication safely and comfortably. The policy aims to provide a highly specialised and holistic service to individuals with complex forms of Dysphagia using the latest evidence based assessments, treatments and Dysphagia management policies. We aim to improve dysphagia related health outcomes and individuals quality of life, and employ effective risk management strategies for preventing harm and improving individual’s health outcomes.
Covid-19 Contact Guidance V10
Covid-19 Contact Guidance v10
Off to the Best Start Guide (G209)
Top tips for hand hygiene 2024 poster
A2 - Stop And Watch
Disclosure Ref 2024145 - Elective operations and cancellations January 2023 to 31 December 2023 .pdf
A Guide to the DCHS BAF
A Guide to the DCHS BAF
Guide to Bottle Feeding (G209)
Exposure to blood and body fluid poster
Exposure to blood and body fluid poster