Health Psychology
The DCHS health psychology service provides specialist psychological care and support to adults with physical health problems.
Patient Group Directions (PGDs)
Patient Group Directions - PGDs provide a legal framework that allows some registered health professionals to supply and/or administer a specified medicine(s) to a pre-defined group of patients, without them having to see a prescriber.
GD08 Recruiting managers guide to preparing for new starters.docx
DCHS Policy Update_October 2024.docx
HV Core Contact Was Not Brought Letter 2.doc
Tailors Bunion 5th Metatarsal Scarf (L30)
Tailors Bunion Bunionette deformity - 5th Metatarsal Scarf Osteotomy. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
DCHS QI Tools- Conventional Process Mapping.pptx
Guide to Foot
Learn at Work Week Timetable FINAL 15-05-2023 to 26-05-2023 (V1).pdf
DCC Guide to Carer Support
Freedom to speak up policy - EIA form
Freedom to speak up policy - EIA form
Delivering Same Sex Accommodation (P64)
Every patient has the right to receive high quality care that is safe, effective and respects their Privacy and Dignity. There are no exemptions from the need to provide high standards of privacy and dignity and this applies to all areas, including when admission is unplanned. This is one of the guiding principles of the NHS Constitution (2009) and at the core of local NHS visions. Derbyshire Community Health Trust ( DCHS) aim is that all patients who are admitted to any of our hospitals will only share the room where they sleep with members of the same sex, and same sex toilets and bathrooms will be close to their bed area. Sharing with members of the opposite sex should only happen by exception based on clinical need (for example where patients need specialist equipment), or when patients choose to share (for instance married couple who have been admitted together may want to share a side room). This Policy contributes to the achievement of CQC Outcome 4 – The patient will receive care, treatment and support in single sex accommodation wherever it is available. The aim is to ensure a clear and consistent approach is adopted across DCHS community hospitals by all ward managers.