Diabetes Education FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions about Diabetes and Diabetes Education for the people of Derby and Derbyshire
The terrible tragedy currently engulfing Ukraine is at the forefront of so many of our minds right now and our thoughts are firmly with the Ukrainian people and their friends and family members around the globe.
Tissue Viability
A5 – Referral back to podiatrist by podiatry assistant (S107)
Referral back to podiatrist by podiatry assistant
Annual Leave Calculator for Medical Staff 2025-2026.xlsx
Annual Leave Calculator for Medical Staff 2025-2026
Managing Moisture A How to Guide (G55)
Guide for managing causes of moisture
Childrens 0-19 Services Was Not Brought No Access and Failed Encounter Policy (P92)
Babies, children and young people are reliant on someone else to take them to appointments or be at home for a visit that relates to their health, development and wellbeing and as a result they are sometimes not taken or in to receive them. Historically this would have been recorded as ‘Did Not Attend’, Failed Encounter and No Access. Many Serious Case Reviews / Safeguarding Adult Reviews/Domestic Homicide Reviews, both nationally and regionally, have identified that not being taken to medical appointments can be a precursor to serious abuse. This policy is to ensure that there is a clear process for all staff working within Childrens 0-19 on how to apply safeguarding principles and procedures to the following situations: • New referrals into the 5-19 service that do not attend their first appointment. • Children and young people known to our services who are not brought to an appointment • No access visits where staff are unable to make contact with, or gain access, to a Child or young person’s place of residence. • Processes are in place to ensure early intervention and prevention when disengagement is a feature as this is the key to safeguarding children • To ensure the recording and collection of timely information to enable analysis of incidents and identification of investigations • The safety and well- being of patients who miss an appointment or home visit is maintained.
DCHS QI Tools- Brainstorming.pptx
Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Report 2021-2022
Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Report 2021-2022
Remote Consultation (telehealth) – Standard Operating Procedure Planned Care and Specialist Services (S120)
This standard operating procedure sets out the process by which we will determine, for each patient, for each contact, when it is safe and effective to offer a remote consultation, and when a face to face consultation will be needed. This will ensure that all patients who wish to access remote consultation are able to do so equitably, based on clear clinical decision making.
APPENDIX 2 Statutory Paternity Pay and Leave Becoming a Parent (SC3).docx
A4b - ST Community Toolkits_02 Age 5-11
Informal Carers administration of PRN subcutaneous injection in Community Palliative care Guidelines for DCHS staff (G184)
A small number of dying patients’ relatives request permission to administer subcutaneous medication at home to enable symptom control. UK statutory law supports this practice within a safe governance structure. To support this in practice “The Derbyshire policy for Informal Carers Administration of an as required subcutaneous injection in Community Palliative care” has been developed and underpins these guidelines for Derbyshire Community Health Service (DCHS) staff.