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Derbyshire NHS helping new parents with baby feeding campaign
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National Inclusion Week 2022
Clinical literature review and approval process flow chart (DCHS Policy Development Framework)
Clinical literature review and approval process flow chart (DCHS Policy Development Framework)
A8 - Administration of Medication Via Enteral Tubes Procedure (P48)
Administration of Medication Via Enteral Tubes Procedure
Appendix 2 - Assessment of Skill Record for the Administration of Insulin by HCA (P4)
Appendix 2 - Assessment of Skill Record for the Administration of Insulin by HCA (P4)
TPP544-0037 - Inpatient Falls Multifactorial Risk Assessment
Inpatient Falls Multifactorial Risk Assessment
1237 - Approval form for Heart Failure Nurse who is not a prescriber to alter medication doses
1237 - Approval form for Heart Failure Nurse who is not a prescriber to alter medication doses
0182 - Request for the Provision of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Patients in Community Care
0182 - Request for the Provision of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Patients in Community Care
0122 - Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool
Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool
L257 - Leg Ulcer Compression Bandaging Patient Information
L257 - Leg Ulcer Compression Bandaging Patient Information Leaflet
Rapid Tranquilisation Guidelines (G52)
The aim of this guidance is to support practitioner’s decision making, when using medication by the parenteral route, when the use of oral medication is not possible or appropriate and urgent sedation with medication is required. NICE Guidance NG10 (2015)
Appendix 1 - Homely Remedies Knowledge Assessment and Authorisation Form (S16)
Appendix 1 - Homely Remedies Knowledge Assessment and Authorisation Form (S16)