Do you use Healthcare Databases Advanced Search (HDAS) ( for literature searches?
This will be closing on 31 March 2022.

What does that mean for you?
If you search databases such as Medline, CINAHL, or Embase, you will no longer be able to search through HDAS. You can still access them all through the brand new Knowledge and Library Hub or direct on the Ovid, EBSCO, or ProQuest websites. The search techniques and principles you use in HDAS all work in the new websites.
You can access the new websites from the Hub at: or from our e-resources page They are Ovid (Medline, Embase, Emcare, HMIC, AMED); EBSCOHost (Medline, CINAHL); and ProQuest (Medline, BNI, PsycInfo). We will also be providing ‘How To’ guides, as soon as these are available.
The Hub also gives quick, easy access to a wider range of evidence and information. Check it out at
If you receive regular email updates from HDAS, why not register for KnowledgeShare updates instead at
For help with these new resources, book one of our training sessions! Choose from our bookable training programme, or we can provide a group or one-to-one session at a time that suits you. Training is available via MS Teams, from the comfort of your home or workplace. Further details are at