Babington Hospital
Babington Hospital offers the following DCHS services: community therapy, physiotherapy and children's services.
End of Life - Directory of Services
Information hub for all clinicians, carers and family members, signposting to end of life support and resources available throughout Derbyshire.
NHS Help Us, Help You campaign to help people get NHS advice quickly
NHS Help Us, Help You campaign to help people get NHS advice quickly
DCHS SIM-swap project – important information for laptop users
DCHS SIM-swap project - 5 weeks to swap out over 2,500 laptops. Mostly laptops that are used by mobile workers (ie clinicians that go in to patients homes).
Buxton Hospital
SOP 3 - Mechanical cleaning – thermal washer- disinfector (P16)
Mechanical cleaning – thermal washer- disinfector (P16)
Bunion - Silvers Bunionectomy and Akin Osteotomy (L26)
Bunion - Silvers Bunionectomy and Akin Osteotomy
How to see who your requisition has gone to for approval
How to see who your requisition has gone to for approval
HRP55 Covid19 Mandatory Vaccinations in Care Homes Policy
Covid19 Mandatory Vaccinations in Care Homes Policy
Group A Streptoccocus GAS and related infections Guidelines (G303)
G303 - Group A Streptoccocus GAS and related infections Guidelines (Section 6.20 in P69)
A3 - DCHS ISHS Safeguarding Contacts – North (G12)
Appendix 3 - DCHS ISHS Safeguarding Contacts – North (G12)
Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Report 2022-23
Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Report 2022-23
Assembly of Lung Volume Recruitment (LVR) Kit in the Community Respiratory Service SOP (S129)
To provide instructions to Community Respiratory Service clinical staff in how to assemble an LVR kit correctly, and where and how to store them safely and securely.
L333 - Guide to buying splints Leaflet
Guide to buying splints Leaflet
Fridge and Room Temperature Monitoring (A1 - S48)
Fridge and Room Temperature Monitoring