14th June 2022

DCHS SIM-swap project – important information for laptop users

Due to a change of service provider we are working with service leads and line managers to swap out all existing active SIM cards within laptops across DCHS. These are primarily in laptops used by clinicians who work in patient's homes and other community settings. All current SIM cards in laptops will deactivate on 31 July when the new contract begins.

This change is due to an organisational switch to a provider that is a better fit for DCHS use. All staff who need a SIM in their laptop to carry out their work will have a new SIM delivered to their line manager or service lead for distribution, depending on the service they work for. Bank staff will receive their SIM cards from the Temporary Staffing team.

Our IT project team will be in touch with teams/services about times for delivery/swap-out schedule.

Please send any queries about this project to - E: dchst.simswap@nhs.net