DCHS Clinical IT Systems - User Experience Survey 2022
Are you a user of TPP SystmOne or Inform clinical systems? We’d like to know how it’s working for you and how we might be able to improve it.
Open event spotlights Walton Hospital’s upcoming diagnostic service
Butterley Ward is back at Ripley Hospital
Plans have been announced to bring Butterley Ward back to Ripley Hospital from its temporary base at Ilkeston Community Hospital after Easter, during the final week of April.
Podiatry - Community Podiatry Service
The community podiatry service provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment to a range of patients with lower limb and foot problems, including; - People with long term conditions such as diabetes, vascular disease, amputees, connective tissue disorders, stroke, Parkinson's disease - People with multiple and complex needs e.g. dementia, falls - People with biomechanical problems e.g. gait /postural problems - People requiring wound care to the foot - People requiring nail surgery - People with severe foot and ankle problems and conditions.
Industrial Action Update - Issued on 16 January 2023
Ahead of this week’s planned industrial action by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), we’ve developed an in-depth briefing which we hope colleagues will find useful. It also signposts to other helpful sources of information.
Speech and language therapy service
Our therapists, practitioners, assistants and admin support workers work together to deliver high quality services for adults and children who have speech, language and communication difficulties; eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). We work with adults and children, throughout Derbyshire and Derby City. More specifically: Derby City and Derbyshire County - Adults and Derby City and the southern half of Derbyshire County - Children.
0243 - Tissue Tolerance Test for Postural Support
0243 - Tissue Tolerance Test for Postural Support
L94 - Staying Steady - How to reduce your risk of falling
L94 - Staying Steady - How to reduce your risk of falling. Patient and carers information leaflet produced by Age UK (Feb 2022).
1060 - Anticipatory Medication (s.c.) Administration Chart and Stock Balance Sheet
1060 - Anticipatory Medication (s.c.) Administration Chart and Stock Balance Sheet
Support Toolkit - The Covid-19 Wellness Action plan.pdf
DCHS Covid-19 wellness action plan and toolkit
PPE stock and order form V7
PPE stock and order form V7
A9 Functional Protocols for Cardiac Rehabilitation Service (S109)
Functional Protocols for Cardiac Rehabilitation Service
Buxton Hospital Theatre Policy and Procedures (P95)
Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS) has a responsibility to put in place effective and appropriate policies and procedures to ensure that effective and appropriate safe care is delivered consistently across the organisation. Buxton Hospital theatre provides day surgery to the local community in liaison with Consultants from the surrounding acute hospitals and DCHS Podiatric Surgery teams. The surgical offer by surgical specialities at Buxton Hospital in its theatre aims to deliver individualised, safe, efficient, and effective patient focused care for all patients requiring minor and intermediate day case interventions. The surgical specialist service providers aims to reduce the disruption to patient’s lives by enabling patients living in the local community to access services closer to home. This policy provides an overview of the elements of the service which support staff in achieving the delivery of safe care to day case surgery patients in the Buxton Hospital theatre and facilities.
DCHS Staff's Posture whilst delivering Wound Care to Patients RA Form
Staff's Posture whilst delivering Wound Care to Patients RA Form
Appendix 2 - Guidance on Candidates Who Fail To Achieve (P41)
Appendix 2 - Guidance on Candidates Who Fail To Achieve (P41)
HRP32 Supporting Performance Diagnostic Tool Template.docx
HRP32 Supporting Performance Diagnostic Tool Template