Chair Prem Singh announces his retirement plans after 47 years’ NHS service
League of Friends of Bakewell Hospitals
Contact League of Friends of Bakewell Hospitals
Appendix 4 - Guide to the Implementation and Management of PGDs within DCHS Services (P5)
Appendix 4 - Guide to the Implementation and Management of PGDs within DCHS Services (P5)
Nephrostomy Care and Flushing
Nephrostomy Care and Flushing
Appendix 6A – Royal College of Physicians ‘How to measure lying and standing blood pressure as part of a falls assessment (P33)
Royal College of Physicians ‘How to measure lying and standing blood pressure as part of a falls assessment (P33)
Mental Health Act 1983 - Section 5(2) Doctors 72 Hour Holding Power Policy and Procedure (P105)
This policy provides guidance on the use of Section 5(2), doctors holding power and should be followed by the relevant doctors and approved clinicians working in Trust in-patient areas.
Top tips for self-purchasing equipment (L329)
Top tips for self-purchasing equipment