Diabetes Education for Professionals
The information here is for professionals in Derbyshire working with patients with type 2 diabetes.
Covid-19 staffing - Call to Arms
Temporary staffing to support the DCHS NHS FT response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Thanks to John Briggs for 50 years of NHS volunteering
Annual Member's Meeting (AMM) 2024
AMM (Annual Members Meeting) for DCHS September 2024
Bridging the healthcare access gap for people with disabilities
A NEW initiative to encourage more healthcare and/or non-clinical staff to take up sign language as an extra language and skill, is now available locally.
Health Visitor to School Nurse Transfer Guidelines (G250)
This guidance document outlines the minimum standard expected of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses - School Nurses and Health Visitors - when transferring records prior to a child commencing in full time education. It outlines the goals of the transfer process and the roles that each professional concerned plays within that process. This document supports a commitment to evidence-based care. It is expected that Specialist Community Public Health Nurses employed by DCHS exercise professional judgement and have clear, documented evidence of the rationale for their decision making if they feel that it is not in the family’s or child’s interest to follow the SOP or policy has not been followed. It is also expected that Specialist Community Public Health Nurses exercise sound professional judgement (following their assessment) in deciding whether a client/family should receive additional support and intervention. This Standard Operating Procedure should be used in conjunction with other DCHS Childrens and DCHS Trust policies along with The NMC Code.
A9 Irregular Pulse Protocol (S109)
Irregular Pulse Protocol
L309 - Antibiotic Elastomeric Infusor Leaflet for OPAT patients and carers
L309 - Antibiotic Elastomeric Infusor Leaflet for OPAT patients and carers
L314 - Why has my GP or nurse referred me to Diabetes Education
Why has my GP or nurse referred me to Diabetes Education
How to check if a Purchase Order is receipted
How to check if a Purchase Order is receipted
Declaration Rest of England
Blood Transfusion Policy (P25)
This Policy and associated pathway have been developed and reviewed to ensure the safe practice relating to the transfusion of blood and blood components. The Policy is based on recommendations laid down by the British Task Force under the auspices of the British Standards for Haematology and other published guidelines, including the NPSA Notice ‘Right Blood, Right Patient’ November 2006.
Staff Forum Agenda October 2021.pdf
Appendix 3 - How can you stop yourself from touching your face masks?
How can you stop yourself from touching your face masks? Section5.28 Covid 19 IP& C Policy