Transfer of Care Protocol (S14)
1.1 The purpose of these joint procedures is to minimise delays for all adult patients assessed as fit for transfer including those who need Care Packages at home, permanent Care Home Placements whether publicly funded, self-funded, or fully funded by NHS Continuing Care or Terminal Care as described in the NHS Continuing Care National Framework (Revised November 2018.) These procedures will ensure efficient bed utilisation.
Appendix B - Mandatory Vaccination Record of Discussion Form.docx
Appendix B - Mandatory Vaccination Record of Discussion Form
Protocol for the Supply of Emollient Cream (S91)
Protocol for the supply of emollient cream Epimax Original Cream, Epimax Isomol Gel, Epimax Ointment, Epimax Paraffin Free Ointment, AproDerm Colloidal Oat Cream Packs supplied under this protocol must be GSL packs
DCHS Mandatory training overview (V0.1) May 2022
Mandatory training overview (V0.1) May 2022
Abuse, Discrimination and Aggression Towards Staff Policy
Abuse, Discrimination and Aggression Towards Staff
Hammer - Claw-Mallet Toe (L13)
Hammer – Claw-Mallet Toe. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
DCHS Checking your reports letters and leaflets are easy to read
DCHS Checking your reports letters and leaflets are easy to read
L293 - Welcome to the Adult Continence Service
L293 - Welcome to the Adult Continence Service
L313 - Anticipatory Medicines and Syringe Drivers (Inpatients) Leaflet
L313 - Anticipatory Medicines and Syringe Drivers (Inpatients) Leaflet
Guidance for E-referrals via S1 to the Tissue Viability Service (G327)
Guidance for E-referrals via S1 to the Tissue Viability Service