Cavendish Hospital
DCHS Chair Julie visits Okeover Ward
Message from Julie Houlder and Tracy Allen, on behalf of the DCHS Trust Board: Ongoing social unrest
Clinical psychology jobs
DCHS proud to be Veteran Aware accredited
L21 - Post Rehab Booklet - Podiatric Surgery
This information is for patients who have had surgery at least 2 weeks ago and have had their dressings removed.
0274 - CHC MLCSU Patient Information Form (Health and Social Care - Professional Use)
0274 - CHC MLCSU Patient Information Form (Health and Social Care - Professional Use)
L177 - Rural Health Team - Patient Information Leaflet
L177 - Rural Health Team - Patient Information Leaflet
Flu FAQ and allergy information 2024-25
Flu FAQ and allergy information 2024-25
L124 - ISHS Salt Baths
L124 - ISHS Salt Baths
JUCD Leadership Orientation Managers Checklist (v1).docx
JUCD new managers local orientation checklist (V1) uploaded Mar23. For all new leaders/managers in DCHS to complete
A2 British Heart Foundation Exercise Video and Strength - Booklet 3 (S109)
British Heart Foundation Exercise Video and Strength - Booklet 3
User Guide to Risk Notification Submission
User Guide to Risk Notification Submission
A5 - Constipation Pathway (P91)
A5 - Constipation Pathway
Mental Health Act 1983 Community Treatment Order Policy (P103)
To guide staff on the implementation of a Community Treatment Order (CTO) in accordance with the MHA 1983 and the MHA Code of Practice 2015. To ensure lawful and appropriate use of CTO’s within the Trust and that legal rights of any patient subject to a CTO are upheld at all stages.