Diabetes services
We provide two services for people with diabetes - Community Diabetes for people with Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes and our Diabetes Education service for people with Type 2 diabetes in Derby and Derbyshire. Each service is designed and selected according to individual requirements.
Changes to MyDCHS
Changes to MyDCHS
Bisexuality – a blog by Fern
Quality Assurance - How Quality Makes a Difference to You in DCHS
LGBTQIA+ awareness training
Well done to our Armed Forces network!
Prevention and Management of Sharps Injuries and Contamination Incidents Policy
Prevention and Management of Sharps Injuries and Contamination Incidents Policy,
Clinical Supervision -What it is and What it isnt June 2016 vs2
Clinical supervision - what it is and isn't
TU Act Final Data Submission April 2021 - March 2022
Trade Unions Act - Final Data Submission April 2021 - March 2022, includes facility time publication requirement
SOP 8 Transporting of Podiatry Instruments (P16)
SOP 8 Transporting of Podiatry Instruments (P16)
Scabies and Infestations Guidelines (G296)
G296 - Scabies & Infestations Guidelines (Section 6.11 in P69)
DCHS Working at Height RA Form
Working at Height RA Form
Operating Standard PPE Jan21
Operating Standard PPE Jan21
L144 - Why NHS Podiatry is not available to me
Why NHS Podiatry is not available to me - is a patient information leaflet.
EoL Information standard palliative
EoL Information standard palliative
Nurse Associate (Registered) Flowchart for Inpatient Wards (G259)
G259 - Nurse Associate (Registered) Flowchart for Inpatient Wards