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Waste Management Operating Standards V8

DCHS Waste Management Operating Standards

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Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Policy (P11)

The purpose of this policy is to provide evidence based guidance on the use of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT), which is an advanced wound care treatment for patients with complex wounds. Clinicians working within Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Trust should refer to this Policy for; • Recommended best practice guidance for managing a patient with NPWT. • Recommendations to reduce potential risk and harm to patients receiving NPWT. • The role of the Registered Healthcare Professional will be defined in this guideline, outlining their responsibility and accountability for the patient receiving NPWT

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0539 - Information About My Stay

0539 - Information About My Stay

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0003 - Continuing Health Care Consent and Basic Information Form

0003 - Continuing Health Care Consent and Basic Information Form

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Reference List for Use of Medication on Patient Reminder Cards (G244)

G244 - Reference List for Use of Medication on Patient Medication Reminder Cards

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Identification and Management of Moisture Lesions (L34)

Identification and Management of Moisture Lesions

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1058 - Palliative Care Syringe Driver Prescription Information Sheet Patients aged 18 years and over

1058 - Palliative Care Syringe Driver Prescription Information Sheet Patients aged 18 years and over

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L23 - Information about your steroid injection

Patient information leaflet about your steroid injection.

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STAY conversations

DCHS STAY conversations - managers guide. This is a management tool, not a formal process, aimed at supporting staff retention.