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Tier 3 Weight Management Service Derbyshire

The Tier 3 Weight Management Service offers a weight management programme to support adults with severe and complex obesity to lose weight across Derby City and Derbyshire County.

About Airmid

Airmid is a Patient App which allows you to view and cancel appointments at any time (rebooking is coming soon).

Finance and Procurement System Changes

The Trust’s current contract for the provision of financial services (i.e. finance and procurement) from NHS Shared Business Services (SBS) is coming to an end on 31 March 2022. 

Butterley Ward is back at Ripley Hospital

Plans have been announced to bring Butterley Ward back to Ripley Hospital from its temporary base at Ilkeston Community Hospital after Easter, during the final week of April.

Wound Clinic Service

Our wound clinic service was established in 2019 to provide a 7-day per week wound care service for the people of Derbyshire.