Progress on Belper’s new health centre development – November 2024
Buxton Hospital
Inequalities research earns second round of grant funding
Missing Patient Procedure Including Section 18 Concern for Safety and Welfare (S23)
This procedure has been developed to inform hospital staff what action to take when a detained patient is absent without leave from the hospital where they are liable to be detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. Guidance when an informal patient’s whereabouts is unknown and this includes patients that may be missing from other in-patient areas. The procedure aims to provide a consistent and easy to follow approach thus supporting the staff and protecting some of our most at risk and vulnerable patients.
SAMA Template 10 Tips in holding sensitive conversation
Template 10 Tips for Holding a Sensitive Conversation
SAMA Template 25 Final review meeting part 2 invite
Template 25a Final Review Meeting Part 2 invite
Tissue Viability Strategy 2021-2024
DCHS Tissue Viability Strategy 2021-2024
Administration of Medicines in an Emergency Situation for Adults SOP (S30)
S30 - Administration of Medicines in an Emergency Situation for Adults SOP
SAMA Template 11 Wellbeing meeting invite
Template 11 Wellbeing Meeting Invite
Template 26 SAMA Final review meeting record
Template 26 Final Review Meeting Record
Administration of Medicines in an Emergency Situation for Children SOP (S31)
S31 - Administration of Medicines in an Emergency Situation for Children SOP
Falls Management Policy for use in Urgent Treatment Centres, Community and Outpatient settings (P32)
The Trust’s aim is to prevent harm resulting from falls that may occur by assessing each patient and identifying their individual risk and the interventions required. There is an expectation that clinicians who work in the community and who see patients in their own homes, extended care settings or in outpatient settings will use the policy framework as part of their everyday practice within DCHS. This policy incorporates key national guidance: - • NICE CG161 (2013) “Falls: the assessment and prevention of falls in older people • NICE Quality standards (2015) ‘Assessment after a fall and preventing further falls’. • NICE (2015) on ‘Head Injury: assessment and early management’ • BGS Fit for Frailty (2014) ‘Consensus best practice guidance for the care of older people living in community and outpatient settings’ • Public Health England (2019) ‘Preventing falls in people with learning disabilities: making reasonable adjustments’
Data Protection Impact Assessment Template v2.docx
Data Protection Impact Assessment template