571 Pages found that matched your search:
679 Files found that matched your search:


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Assembly of Lung Volume Recruitment (LVR) Kit in the Community Respiratory Service SOP (S129)

To provide instructions to Community Respiratory Service clinical staff in how to assemble an LVR kit correctly, and where and how to store them safely and securely.

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L333 - Guide to buying splints Leaflet

Guide to buying splints Leaflet

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Fridge and Room Temperature Monitoring (A1 - S48)

Fridge and Room Temperature Monitoring

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Annual Leave Calculator for GPs 2025-2026.xlsx

Annual Leave Calculator for GPs 2025-2026

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SAMA Template 05 Keeping in Touch Letter

Template 05 Keeping In Touch Letter

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PICO Top Tips (P11)

PICO Top Tips (P11)

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0312 - Notice of Recall to Hospital MH Act 1983 Sec 17

0312 - Notice of Recall to Hospital MH Act 1983 Sec 17

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0123 - Learning Disability Arousal Monitoring Chart

0123 - Learning Disability Arousal Monitoring Chart

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Information and Fire Prevention Guidance in relation to Dynamic Air Flow Pressure Relieving Mattresses in Community (G96)

Dynamic Air Flow Pressure Relieving Mattresses are provided to people who spend extended periods of time in bed or are bedbound due to illness and impaired mobility. This means that if a fire starts or smoke detection activates, the individual using the bed is unlikely to be able to respond/escape without assistance. When the mattresses are provided in a home setting, living alone or being alone in the property is therefore a risk factor for consideration.

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0122 - Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool

Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool