Patient Group Directions (PGDs)
Patient Group Directions - PGDs provide a legal framework that allows some registered health professionals to supply and/or administer a specified medicine(s) to a pre-defined group of patients, without them having to see a prescriber.
Urgent treatment centres
Our four Derbyshire UTCs, Ilkeston Hospital, Ripley Hospital, Buxton Hospital and Whitworth Hospital
Bakewell’s new Newholme Health Centre – latest updates and project plans
Accessibility Statement
Accessibility statement for
Health Psychology Appointment Information
Find out more about your appointment with Derbyshire Community Health Service Health Psychology.
Flu – make your informed CHOICE
All the information about this year's flu vaccination programme, Covid booster jabs and winter wellbeing found here!
Message from Michelle Bateman - Registered Nursing Associates
An update from Michelle about how DCHS has supported the Nursing Associate role since 2019.
Bakewell integrated health hub construction update - December 2022
Community nursing practitioners network
New national network for community nursing practitioners. The network has been set up for sharing of information and connecting community practitioners.
Referral pathway for Breastfeeding Network Derbyshire volunteers (G313)
Referral pathway for Breastfeeding Network Derbyshire volunteers
Witness Statement - A9 (G320)
Witness Statement
Core Standards Template (DCHS Policy Development Framework)
Core Standards Template (DCHS Policy Development Framework)
Enhanced Falls Recovery Service SOP (S138)
Standard Operating Procedure for Enhanced Falls Recovery Service
A10 - Complications and Troubleshooting (P48)
Complications and Troubleshooting
Appendix 2 - Assessment of Skill Record for the Administration of Insulin by HCA (P4)
Appendix 2 - Assessment of Skill Record for the Administration of Insulin by HCA (P4)
TPP544-0037 - Inpatient Falls Multifactorial Risk Assessment
Inpatient Falls Multifactorial Risk Assessment
1237 - Approval form for Heart Failure Nurse who is not a prescriber to alter medication doses
1237 - Approval form for Heart Failure Nurse who is not a prescriber to alter medication doses
0182 - Request for the Provision of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Patients in Community Care
0182 - Request for the Provision of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Patients in Community Care
0122 - Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool
Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool