Scam police calls reported in Derbyshire
Quality Assurance - How Quality Makes a Difference to You in DCHS
Bisexuality – a blog by Fern
Wellbeing support across Joined Up Care Derbyshire - New Spring activity timetable for 2023 is here!
Chair Prem Singh announces his retirement plans after 47 years’ NHS service
General Discussion
Aliquam vitae sollicitudin purus. Aliquam ullamcorper scelerisque velit in porttitor. Nullam pulvinar maximus nunc, nec finibus massa molestie at. Nulla ut enim vel enim molestie hendrerit at in dui. Sed tincidunt sapien dui, sed elementum felis convallis at. Ut vitae consectetur sapien. Cras faucibus sem nec risus sagittis, in dignissim nisi laoreet.
0020 - Personal History Profile for OPMH and LD
0020 Personal History Profile for use by OPMH or LD
0051 - Body Chart to Document Injuries on Admission
0051 - Body Chart to Document Injuries on Admission
L267 - Adult Sepsis Safety Net - Signs of Sepsis and what to do
L267 - Adult Sepsis Safety Net - Signs of Sepsis and what to do
3-Musculoskeletal Decision Making Tool Primary Care & Self Care - HIP.pdf
Decision Making Tool Primary Care & Self Care - HIP
Asbestos Management Plan
Asbestos Management Plan, asbestos, ACM, Asbestos Management Group, asbestos survey, asbestos emergencies, asbestos incidents
DCHS - How to Complete a Saved Appraisal
DCHS - How to complete a saved appraisal
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Statement (G281)
G281 - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Statement (Section 7.1 in P69)
L144 - Why NHS Podiatry is not available to me
Why NHS Podiatry is not available to me - is a patient information leaflet.
L9 Hallux Rigidus (Arthritic Big Toe Joint) 1st MTPJ Arthrodesis - Fusion.
L9 Hallux Rigidus (Arthritic Big Toe Joint) 1st MTPJ Arthrodesis - Fusion. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
Response to Retire and Return Request Form.docx
Response to Retire and Return Form