NHS Long term workforce plan
Have you got an NHS workforce story to tell?
LGBTQIA+ awareness training
Derbyshire NHS Trust’s annual public accountability meeting
Staff networks for equality diversity and inclusion
The LGBT+ staff network, BAME staff network, disability and long term conditions DLTC staff network and armed forces staff network
SOP Titration of Heart Failure Medication by Designated Nurses (S8)
This procedure has been developed to support trained designated nurses to alter the dosage of cornerstone therapies and loop diuretics for this specific group of patients
Active Stand Standard Operating Procedure (S105)
To ensure that all staff are aware of the correct procedures when performing an active stand test. To ensure the protocol is standardised and staff are following safe working practices.
A4 - Nail Surgery Post Operative Advice Sheet (S72)
Nail Surgery Post Operative Advice Sheet
Community Response Team-Derby City Rapid Response SOP - Medication Delegation, Support and Assistance of Medication Administration for Support Workers (S127)
This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) aims to outline the process for providing clear guidance to medication support and assistance, delegation to the support workers/support worker supervisors and what training they need to complete for them to be able to support the patients in the service.
APPENDIX 11 – Investigation Report.docx
HRP24 Appendix 11 – Investigation Report
A2b - Eligibility for NHS Podiatry service (S107)
Eligibility for NHS Podiatry service
Patient (or carer) Initiated Follow-up SOP Dementia Palliative Care Service (S132)
Patient initiated follow-up (PIFU) describes when a patient (or their carer) can initiate their follow-up visit as and when required, e.g., when symptoms or circumstances change. This SOP defines the process, roles, and responsibilities for the following: • Identifying which patients PIFU is right for • Moving a patient onto a PIFU pathway • Booking visits which have been initiated by a patient or carer • Managing patients who do not initiate a review/home visit within the PIFU timescale • Discharging or booking reviews at the end of that patient’s PIFU timescale • Monitoring compliance Dementia Palliative Care Service are in the process of piloting a PIFU process for 12 months. The pilot will be reviewed every 3 months with a final review post 12 months.
SAMA Template 07 Short term absence flowchart
Template 07 Short Term Absence Flowchart
SAMA Template 24 Long Term Absence Meeting Outcome
Template 24 Long Term Absence Outcome meeting letter
Long Term Segregation Policy (P86)
This policy aims to provide clear guidance on the use of long term segregation, (please note the use of seclusion is covered in DCHS trust policy – (Management, Prevention and reduction of violence and aggression including physical restraint and seclusion). To ensure restrictive interventions remain proportionate, least restrictive, take account of patient preference where possible, and last for no longer than is necessary. The policy sets clinical standards to ensure compliance with the Mental Health Act 1983 and subsequent Code of Practice 2015 alongside NICE guidance NG10. To ensure robust governance arrangements that are transparent in their nature. To support the trusts ambition of reducing the use of restrictive practices. The policy aims to ensure the specific needs of all patients are met in a fair and equitable way.