Health Psychology - Information and Tools to Help You
A page of health psychology information and resources for the people of Derbyshire.
Improvement, Innovation and Effectiveness
Supporting colleagues to keep DCHS an outstanding place to work and recive care.
Datix incident & risk reporting
Health Psychology for Professionals
The information here is for professionals in Derbyshire seeking more information on the Health Psychology service.
Warm Spaces opening at two Derbyshire community hospitals
Tier 3 Weight Management – Important information about your referral
Tier 3 Weight Management – Important information about your referral
TPP175-0092 - Tier 3 Weight Management Service Food Diary
TPP175-0092 - Tier 3 Weight Management Service Food Diary
L240 - Tier 3 Weight Management Service - Tips for long-term change
L240 - Tier 3 Weight Management Service - Tips for long-term change. Patient information leaflet.
Tier 3 Weight Management Referral Form vNov 2020.pdf
Tier 3 Weight Management Referral Form - Nov 2020
Tier 3 Weight Management A4 patient information NS.pdf
Tier 3 Weight Management patient information leaflet
Food Diary NS.pdf
Tier 3 Weight Management Food Diary
Goal Tracker NS.pdf
Tier 3 weight Management Goal Tracker
Tips for Change NS.pdf
Tier 3 Weight Management Tips for Change
Dysphagia Management of Adults (P20)
DCHS recognises the risk to people who have difficulty with eating, drinking and swallowing and that the management of dysphagia is everyone’s business. This policy promotes a multi-disciplinary approach to identifying and managing dysphagia. It is to ensure that all people with dysphagia receive the highest possible level of assessment, care and support to achieve maximum independence, pleasure and meet their nutritional needs, whilst keeping the risks associated with this potentially life threatening condition to a minimum.
Management and Preventation of Slips Trips and Falls Sept 2020
Management and Preventation of Slips Trips and Falls Sept 2020