Health Visitor to School Nurse Transfer Guidelines (G250)
This guidance document outlines the minimum standard expected of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses - School Nurses and Health Visitors - when transferring records prior to a child commencing in full time education. It outlines the goals of the transfer process and the roles that each professional concerned plays within that process. This document supports a commitment to evidence-based care. It is expected that Specialist Community Public Health Nurses employed by DCHS exercise professional judgement and have clear, documented evidence of the rationale for their decision making if they feel that it is not in the family’s or child’s interest to follow the SOP or policy has not been followed. It is also expected that Specialist Community Public Health Nurses exercise sound professional judgement (following their assessment) in deciding whether a client/family should receive additional support and intervention. This Standard Operating Procedure should be used in conjunction with other DCHS Childrens and DCHS Trust policies along with The NMC Code.
Accessing+Encrypted+Emails+Guide for Non NHSmail Users.pdf
Guidance for encrypted emails including receiving encrypted emails creating an account to use Egress and keeping encrypted emails secure
Disclosure Ref 2024103 - PAS & EPR Systems.pdf
Freedom of information disclosure regarding contracts for Patient Administration Systems (PAS) Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Disclosure Ref 2024121 - Payroll Software & Number of Employees.pdf
Freedom of Information disclosure regarding payroll software and number of employees
Disclosure Ref 202485 - Waste Management Contract & Spend.pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 202485 relating to Waste Management Contract & Spend
A1c - User MANUAL – RAIZER® II – GB VERSION 1.1 (S96)
Disclosure Ref 2024182 - ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) contract .pdf
Freedom of information disclosure regarding ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) contract
Disclosure Ref 202517 - Septic compounding services.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding in-house aseptic compounding services
Disclosure Ref 202515 - Human Albumin purchased.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding Human Albumin purchased 2023 and 2024
Disclosure Ref 202536 - Missed hospital appointments in Trust during 2024..pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding scheduled appointments were missed by patients (DNA/Did Not Attend) across all major hospitals