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HRP19 Management of Change Policy
HRP19 DCHS Organisational Change Policy - updated March 2022
L271 - Welcome to the Derbyshire Post-COVID Service
Derbyshire Community Long COVID-19 Assessment Clinic Patient information leaflet summarizes; who we are, what we do, how to be referred and what to do prior to your first appointment.
L94 - Staying Steady - How to reduce your risk of falling
L94 - Staying Steady - How to reduce your risk of falling. Patient and carers information leaflet produced by Age UK (Feb 2022).
Dysphagia Management of Adults (P20)
DCHS recognises the risk to people who have difficulty with eating, drinking and swallowing and that the management of dysphagia is everyone’s business. This policy promotes a multi-disciplinary approach to identifying and managing dysphagia. It is to ensure that all people with dysphagia receive the highest possible level of assessment, care and support to achieve maximum independence, pleasure and meet their nutritional needs, whilst keeping the risks associated with this potentially life threatening condition to a minimum.
L232 - Travelling with Lung Conditions
L232 - Travelling with Lung Conditions. A Respiratory Service patient information leaflet.
Mental Capacity Act (2005) Policy Helping People to Make Decisions (P38)
“The Mental Capacity Act, 2005 (the Act) provides the legal framework for acting and making decisions on behalf of individuals who lack the mental capacity to make particular decisions for themselves. Everyone working with and/or caring for an adult [aged 16 years and over] who may lack capacity to make specific decisions must comply with the Act when making decisions or acting for that person, when the person lacks the capacity to make a particular decision for themselves. The same rules apply whether the decisions are life-changing or everyday matters” (Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice 2007:15). The aim of this policy is to support compliance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 setting out the principles, practice and responsibilities of Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust staff (DCHS staff) when caring for a person aged 16 years and over. The term person will be used to identify a patient/client/user of DCHS services and the Act will used to identify the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
New Birth Review Guidelines - 0-19 Children’s Services (G207)
This Best Practice Guidance gives clear guidance on the minimum standard expected of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (Health Visitors) when delivering the New Birth Review. It outlines the goal and essential components of the New Birth Review offered to all families in Derbyshire when their baby is 10-14 days old. This document also supports a commitment to ensure evidence-based tools and training are embedded within practice, supporting the national commissioning for outcomes recommendations, and offering assurance that the service is focused on personalised and needs based care.
Hallux Valgus (Bunion) Lapidus Procedure (L12)
Hallux Valgus (Bunion) Lapidus Procedure. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
Appendix 8: To swab or not swab
Appendix 8: To swab or not swab, information for clinicians Section 5.28 Covid IP&C Policy
Confidentiality Code of Conduct.docx
All employees are bound by a legal duty of confidence to protect personal information they may come into contact with during the course of their work.