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Whitworth Hospital
Quick-thinking Gina Cherry helps to save life of man in supermarket
Disclosure Ref 2022127 - BI & Data Warehousing, E-rostering, Order Communications, Pathology, Pharmacy, & Scheduling.pdf
Response to FOI
Disclosure Ref 2022109 - Strategies & reports including the operational plan 2022.pdf
FOI Disclosure
Cardiac Rehab Service SOP (S109)
This SOP was drawn up to confirm and clarify the operating procedure for the community cardiac rehabilitation service (CR) This document sets out the standards which, in the view of the patient and professional organisations involved, are required of services to deliver a high-quality community cardiac rehabilitation service for people with cardiovascular disease (CVD) Cardiac rehabilitation is a comprehensive secondary prevention programme of exercise and education aimed at people who have had a cardiac event, cardiac surgery, and heart failure. Research has demonstrated that it helps reduce mortality and morbidity “The evidence base that supports the merits of comprehensive CR is robust and consistently demonstrates a favourable impact on cardiovascular mortality and hospital re-admissions in patients with coronary heart disease” (Anderson et al 2016). The community cardiac rehabilitation service was developed in response to a growing need for more cardiac rehabilitation programmes for a wider range of cardiac conditions which were unable to be accommodated in the acute hospital programmes and to offer a menu of options for delivery of programmes closer to the patient’s own home.
APPENDIX 3 Paternity Partner Leave Flow Chart for Managers.docx
GD23 Recruitment and Selection Information Guidance for Applicants.docx
Trust Policy for Free of Charge (FOC) Medicines Schemes (P109)
This policy is to ensure consistent, equitable and robust consideration of any free of charge (FOC) scheme that DCHS clinicians would like to be considered for use within DCHS, in line with the National guidance on FOC schemes. Including the requirement for consideration of schemes within Derbyshire for system approval prior to use within DCHS by the Derbyshire Joint Area Prescribing Committee. Where the medicine is currently commissioned by NHS England Specialised Commissioning, ICSs should discuss all FOC schemes with their regional specialised commissioning team in the first instance, before a decision is made on whether to implement the FOC scheme.
DCHS licence
Dressing Formulary and Wound Care Guidelines (G68)
The Derbyshire Wound Care and dressing formulary has been revised in collaboration with the East Midlands Wound Care Formulary Group. Work has been undertaken to provide a clinically effective, appropriate and cost effective choices of products to manage the vast majority of wounds. The formulary is available for all practitioners working for Derbyshire Community Health Services and Primary Care Services. It is expected that prescribers will preferentially use the products listed in the guide for routine use and be able to provide robust rationale where they have prescribed outside the formulary.
Appendix 4 - List of CDs which Require Denaturing and Witnessed Destruction (S47)
Appendix 4 - List of CDs which Require Denaturing and Witnessed Destruction (S47)
Podiatry Service FAQs
Podiatry Service Covid FAQs v3 (updated Sept 2021)