Disclosure Ref 202251 - Sleeping Pills given, age of patient and cost of pills.pdf
FOI disclosure
GD20 Employment References.docx
Peter McCarthy suite wording removed as ER team no longer based there. Dignity at Work wording changed to Bullying and Harrassment as per new policy, any mention of fait treatment at work wording changed to Grievance. Vivup replaced with Cic counselling support.
A5 - Receiving a Blood transfusion Patient Leaflet (P25)
Receiving a Blood transfusion Patient Leaflet
Information governance newsletter - August 2022.docx
IG Newsletter August 2022
APPENDIX 2 Statutory Paternity Pay and Leave Becoming a Parent (SC3).docx
DCHS licence
Dressing Formulary and Wound Care Guidelines (G68)
The Derbyshire Wound Care and dressing formulary has been revised in collaboration with the East Midlands Wound Care Formulary Group. Work has been undertaken to provide a clinically effective, appropriate and cost effective choices of products to manage the vast majority of wounds. The formulary is available for all practitioners working for Derbyshire Community Health Services and Primary Care Services. It is expected that prescribers will preferentially use the products listed in the guide for routine use and be able to provide robust rationale where they have prescribed outside the formulary.
Appendix 4 - List of CDs which Require Denaturing and Witnessed Destruction (S47)
Appendix 4 - List of CDs which Require Denaturing and Witnessed Destruction (S47)
Water Safety Plan Design Control 2.1.pdf
Water Safety Plan Design Control 2.1, Estates Design Team, Legionella, Water Systems.
Disclosure Ref 202262 - Ethnic minority categories used for patients.pdf
FOI Disclosure