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COVID Outbreak Form for Patients

COVID Outbreak

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WRES data report 2023.docx

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DCHS Wound Clinic Service Referral Criteria

DCHS Wound Clinic Service Referral Criteria - Integrated Care Board Update 12 August 2022 - Version for Intranet

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APPENDIX 6 Application Form for Unpaid Parental Leave.docx

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DCHS Policy Update_October 2024.docx

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SOP for the Post COVID 19 Syndrome Clinic (S85)

This document sets out the standards which, in the view of the patient and professional organisations involved, are required of services in order to deliver a review, triage and onward referral service for people with Post Covid 19 Syndrome symptoms.

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Prevent Policy (P46)

The overall aim of the policy is to make clear the duties, responsibilities, and arrangements in place to enable DCHS staff to safeguard and support individuals (children, young people, adults or staff); where it is suspected that the individual(s) is at risk of being drawn into terrorism or other forms of extremist activity. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults is everyone’s responsibility and this Policy sits alongside the DCHS Safeguarding Adults Policy and the DCHS Safeguarding Children’s Policy. The Counterterrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on certain bodies, including NHS Trusts, to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”; including a statutory responsibility to appoint a Prevent Lead and provide training for all staff. Healthcare staff have a key role in Prevent. Prevent focuses on working with individuals (patient’s and/or staff) who may be at risk of being exploited by radicalisers and subsequently drawn into terrorist related activity. Prevent does not require staff to do anything in addition to normal duties. Staff are expected to raise concerns about individuals who are being exploited in this way (DOH 2011).

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Policy for the maintenance and management of lifts

Policy for the maintenance and management of lifts, Insurance Inspector, Lift Management, thorough examination, lift servicing.

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Disclosure Ref 202235 - Shift Cancellation & Agency Spend - Copy.pdf

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HRP29 Registration Re-Registration and Revalidation Manager's Guide.docx